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What is an abbreviation used as a verb?

What is an abbreviation used as a verb?

transitive verb. : to make briefer an abbreviated session an abbreviated version of the story especially : to reduce (a word or name) to a shorter form intended to stand for the whole You can abbreviate the word building as bldg.

What part of speech is abbreviate?

transitive verb

part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: abbreviates, abbreviating, abbreviated

What is the adjective of abbreviate?

abbreviated. Shortened; made briefer. Relatively short; shorter than normal, or compared to others.

How do you use abbreviate in a sentence?

Abbreviate sentence example

  1. If the space is small, you can always abbreviate .
  2. We were forced to abbreviate our trip due to the bad weather.
  3. Ordinary algebra developed very gradually as a kind of shorthand, devised to abbreviate the discussion of arithmetical problems and the statement of arithmetical facts.

What is the noun of abbreviate?

abbreviation. The result of shortening or reducing; abridgment.

Are abbreviations nouns?

Abbreviation is the most widely used term for a shortened or contracted form of a word or phrase. Abbreviations of single words are typically formed using the first letter or letters of the word ( n. = noun; adj. = adjective ), the first letter and the last letter ( hr.

Can an abbreviation be a noun?

Abbreviations of single words are typically formed using the first letter or letters of the word ( n. = noun; adj. = adjective ), the first letter and the last letter ( hr. = Senior ), or the most significant letters ( TNT = trinitrotoluene; Pvt.

Do not abbreviate means?

2 to shorten (a speech or piece of writing) by omitting sections, paraphrasing, etc.

Do you capitalize eg?

Each letter in the abbreviation is followed by a period (i.e. and e.g.). If they’re at the beginning of a sentence, the first letter is capitalized (I.e. and E.g.). I.e. and e.g. don’t need to be italicized. When they’re in the middle of a sentence, or within parentheses, they are followed by a comma.