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What is the advantages and disadvantages of human teacher or mechanical teacher?

What is the advantages and disadvantages of human teacher or mechanical teacher?

When it’s human teacher, she can commit mistakes which is okay because she can impart the knowledge of learning to do better after the mistakes and yes, any doubts can be cleared by a human teacher. A human teacher can teach better learning through verbal expression while the mechanical teacher can’t do that.

What are the advantages of teaching?

Rewarding. Teaching is an extremely rewarding career.

  • No two days are the same. When you’re a teacher, each day is different.
  • Lifelong learning. Teaching gives you the chance to dedicate your life to learning.
  • Holidays and flexible hours.
  • Friendship.
  • Good prospects.
  • Go overseas.
  • Why human teachers are better than robot teachers?

    Human teachers are extraordinarily skillful in strong sensory feelings called emotions. Well, despite their skills in language and mathematics, however, the robots’ inability to maintain discipline among primary school children means that the human teachers’ jobs are safe for the time being at least.

    What are the advantages of robot teachers?

    What are the advantages of robot teachers?

    • Interacting with a robot teacher can help students grasp technological skills in a better way;
    • Robot teachers are cost-effective, in the context that they do not need to get paid, because they simply deliver the duties in accordance with the program installed into their system;

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical teacher?

    Five advantages and disadvantage of mechanical teacher

    • Students can do anything in the class even in the presence of mechanical teacher.
    • Mechanical teacher doesn’t have any feelings so it will not punish students.
    • Can’t complain to parents.
    • While teacher students can do whatever they want …it will not stop them.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of Mechanised school teaching?

    The most important advantage of mechanical teacher, in my point of view, is that pupil doesn’t waste his or her time for going to school every day and can spend more time studying. However, there is also disadvantage. The more advanced the mechanical teachers are, the less will be their mean time between errors.

    What is the advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher?

    The Pros and Cons of Teaching

    Pros of Teaching Cons of Teaching
    Summer vacations and holidays Salary
    Connecting with other teachers and staff Lack of support from administration
    Always learning and continuing to grow Continuous professional development requirements

    What is the advantages and disadvantages of teaching?

    Teaching methods Advantages Disadvantages
    Lectures Efficient, cheap way of conveying a topic to a large audience One-way speaker communication with no active learner participation Difficult to maintain learners’ interest Does not appear to be effective in changing a physician’s performance

    Are robot teachers better than human teachers yes or no give reasons?

    Yes: Robots are better than humans at teaching While teachers are forced to deliver the majority of learning in a whole-class setting, artificial intelligence can deliver tailored learning, carefully evaluating every response to calibrate when to stick with the current topic and when to move onto the next.

    Why you would prefer to be taught by both human teacher and a robot?

    Yes, we can prefer both as our teacher because a robot teacher can give us more and more information about technology . We can prefer human teacher as well because human teacher will have feelings for us and they show kindness towards us as they are humans because robot teachers don’t have feelings ..

    What can be the advantages and disadvantages of robotic teachers?


    • Advantages :
    • Robot teacher will be able to resolve the issues on the spot and that too quickly.
    • Strong database and more knowledge.
    • The teaching process will be to the point and no wastage of time in irrelevant topics.
    • Disadvantages :
    • Students might not have fear and respect to robot teachers.

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of using robots in our life?

    In many situations robots can increase productivity, efficiency, quality and consistency of products: Unlike humans, robots don’t get bored. Until they wear out, they can do the same thing again and again. They can be very accurate – to fractions of an inch (as is needed for example in manufacturing of microelectronics …