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What is the difference between differing and different?

What is the difference between differing and different?

The word “different” is understood as an adjective that describes something that is not the same as an other thing. The word “differing” is the present participle of the verb “to differ”, and as such, it expresses a continuing difference. different: He is different.

What is the meaning of different between?

countable noun. The difference between two things is the way in which they are unlike each other. That is the fundamental difference between the two societies. [ + between] There is no difference between the sexes.

How do you use difference?

“The difference among the two pictures was minor.” “His parents could see the difference from the other children.” “He couldn’t believe the difference in price.” “The difference with our company is our work ethic.”

What is the synonym of differ?

vary, be different, be unlike, be dissimilar, be distinguishable, diverge. coincide. 2’their beliefs differed from those of other religious parties’ deviate from, depart from, run counter to, contradict, contrast with, conflict with, be incompatible with, be at odds with, be in opposition to, go against. resemble.

What does your might differ mean?

differ Add to list Share. To differ is to be different, or to vary. Your list of favorite movies might differ from your sister’s, especially if you like romantic comedies and she likes action films.

What do you mean difference?

1 : what makes two or more persons or things not the same I can’t see any difference between the two designs. 2 : a disagreement about something They’ve always had their differences. 3 : the number that is left after subtracting one number from another The difference between six and four is two.

What is example of difference?

Frequency: Difference is defined as the features that make one thing distinct from another or the condition of when a change is made. An example of difference is black and white. An example of difference is when you want to change the world.

What is the example of different?

The definition of different is something that isn’t the same, something that is out of the ordinary or something that is separate. An example of different is the color black compared to the color white. An example of different is a new movie that uses film techniques never used before.

When to use differ or differs?

As verbs the difference between differ and differs is that differ is not to have the same traits, characteristics while differs is (differ).