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What is the GCF 20 and 42?

What is the GCF 20 and 42?

Answer: GCF of 20 and 42 is 2.

How does a Venn diagram help you list the common factors?

A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among things or finite groups of things. Circles that overlap have a commonality while circles that do not overlap do not share those traits. Venn diagrams help to visually represent the similarities and differences between two concepts.

What is the greatest common factor of 21 and 42?

GCF of 21 and 42 by Listing Common Factors There are 4 common factors of 21 and 42, that are 1, 3, 21, and 7. Therefore, the greatest common factor of 21 and 42 is 21.

Which is the least common factor in a Venn diagram?

The prime factorizations of 24 and 30 have two numbers in common; one 2 and one 3. These go in the intersection of the two circles on the Venn diagram. The “other” factors are placed as shown on the right. The least common multiple will be will be the product of the numbers in the Venn diagram. = 120.

How to find HCF and LCM using Venn diagram?

Find the HCF and LCM of 24 and 180. Break the numbers into the product of prime factors using prime factor trees, as before. Put each prime factor in the correct place in the Venn diagram. Any common factors should be placed in the intersection of the two circles.

Where are the numbers placed in a Venn diagram?

The numbers 1 and 5 are neither even nor multiples of 3, so they are placed outside the rings of the Venn diagram. The numbers 6 and 18 are multiples of 3 that are also even numbers, so they are placed in the overlap of the two circles.

How do you find the highest common factor?

The highest common factor is found by multiplying together the numbers in the intersection of the two circles. The LCM is found by multiplying together the numbers from all three sections of the circles.