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What is the meaning for unsafe?

What is the meaning for unsafe?

: not safe: such as. a : able or likely to cause harm, damage, or loss water that is unsafe to drink unsafe driving habits unsafe levels of lead. b : not giving protection from danger, harm, or loss an unsafe vehicle unsafe working conditions.

What’s a word for dangerous situation?

Some common synonyms of dangerous are hazardous, perilous, precarious, and risky.

What word has the same meaning as unsafe?

hazardous, perilous, risky, treacherous, uncertain, unreliable, unsound, unstable, untrustworthy, insecure, alarming, chancy, erratic, explosive, fearsome, on a limb, on thin ice, precarious, shaky, slippery.

What does safe and unsafe mean?

‘Safe’ and ‘unsafe’ are defined terms and are not opposites. Safe is defined as no significant risk of harm or damage while unsafe is defined as a significant risk of serious harm or significant damage. This means that there is a spectrum of safety from safe through to unsafe.

Is an example of unsafe?

Some examples of unsafe conditions are: Poor guarding – inadequate or inefficient. Defective Conditions – hand tools, equipment, substances. Poor Layout – work flow, overcrowding and congestion.

What is the sentence of unsafe?

Unsafe sentence example. If it weren’t so unsafe , he’d take her with him. Reservoirs unsafe from this cause still exist in the United Kingdom.

How would you describe a risky situation?

If an activity or action is risky, it is dangerous or likely to fail.

What are the most dangerous situations?

From the mundane to the monumental, here are 25 dangerous situations and how to escape them.

  • Choking on food.
  • Falling down a mountainside.
  • Stung by jellyfish.
  • Attacked in elevator.
  • Long Fall.
  • Caught in crossfire.
  • Buried alive.
  • Zombie Apocalypse.

How do you say not safe?


  1. dangerous,
  2. grave,
  3. grievous,
  4. hazardous,
  5. jeopardizing,
  6. menacing,
  7. parlous,
  8. perilous,

What is the opposite Safe?

“You are in danger, so come with me if you want to live!”…What is the opposite of safe?

unsafe insecure
at risk dangerous
exposed harmful
risky unguarded
unprotected vulnerable

What is meant by unsafe practices?

Any behaviors that could endanger an individual’s safety or wellness, or cause harm to yourself or others, are considered unsafe activities. When relocating someone, for example, failing to follow the proper method could result in injury to yourself or others, as well as jeopardise the dignity of the person.

What is unsafe condition examples?

What is the definition of an unsafe condition?

Unsafe Condition is defined as an unsatisfactory (unhygienic) physical condition that exists at the workplace especially immediately before an accident which had a crucial role in triggering the incident. In general terms we can say that it is something which existed previously and is different from the normally accepted “safe conditions”.

Which is an example of an unsafe workplace?

An unsafe condition is exactly that – a condition in the workplace that is likely to cause injury. Examples of unsafe conditions in an industrial setting include: Unsafe conditions exist all around us, at work and away from work.

When do you feel unsafe in a situation?

When you are sensitive, many situations can trigger a feeling of unsafety. For example, you can feel unsafe when: you feel judged and/or rejected

Which is an example of an unsafe setting?

Examples of unsafe conditions in an industrial setting include: 1 Defective equipment or tools 2 Inadequate guards 3 Hazardous air conditions 4 Overly congested areas 5 Inadequate warning systems 6 Fire and explosion hazards 7 Poor housekeeping 8 Lack of adequate PPE 9 Exposed live wires More