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What is the passageway for air?

What is the passageway for air?

The larynx, commonly called the voice box, is the passageway for air between the pharynx above and the trachea below. The trachea, commonly called the windpipe, is the main airway to the lungs.

What delivers air to the bronchi?

Pharynx (throat): Tube that delivers air from your mouth and nose to the trachea (windpipe). Trachea: Passage connecting your throat and lungs. Bronchial tubes: Tubes at the bottom of your windpipe that connect into each lung.

What is the pathway of air through the respiratory system?

Respiratory System: Pathway of air: nasal cavities (or oral cavity) > pharynx > trachea > primary bronchi (right & left) > secondary bronchi > tertiary bronchi > bronchioles > alveoli (site of gas exchange)

What is the passageway for food and sometimes for air?

The throat (pharynx and larynx) is a ring-like muscular tube that acts as the passageway for air, food and liquid. It is located behind the nose and mouth and connects the mouth (oral cavity) and nose to the breathing passages (trachea [windpipe] and lungs) and the esophagus (eating tube).

What pathway does air travel through the respiratory system quizlet?

The path of air through the respiratory tract is: trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli. It is important to note that no gas exchange takes place in the bronchi, but does in the bronchioles, which are passageways that branch off from the main bronchi and eventually lead to alveolar ducts.

How many openings does the pharynx have?

The pharyngeal cavity has seven (7) openings which are: 1-The paired posterior nose –rostrodorsally which connect nasopharynx with nasal cavity. 2-The paired eustachian tube –dorsolaterally, opening of the auditory tubes, connect the nasopharyngeal with auditory tubes and then middle ear.

How air enters into the mouth and passes to the pharynx into the larynx?

Air enters the respiratory system through the nose and mouth and passes down the throat (pharynx) and through the voice box, or larynx. The entrance to the larynx is covered by a small flap of tissue (epiglottis) that automatically closes during swallowing, thus preventing food or drink from entering the airways.

What are the two passageways that come after the pharynx?

Air, food and liquid all pass through this common passage, the oropharynx. The two passages separate again here, in the hypopharynx. Food and liquid pass backward into the esophagus on their way to the stomach. Air passes forward through the larynx and into the trachea, on its way to the lungs.