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What is the relationship between ocean and estuary?
An estuary is a dynamic ecosystem having a connection to the open sea through which the sea water enters with the rhythm of the tides. The seawater entering the estuary is diluted by the fresh water flowing from rivers and streams.
What is a characteristic common to oceans and estuaries?
Salinity: An estuary is a place where sea water is measurably diluted by fresh water from land drainage. The mixture of fresh and salt water provides a variety of habitats for animals and plants in the area.
Why is estuary called nursery of the sea?
In tight quarters, the larger fish are also exposed to a higher risk of predation from even larger animals such as birds and otters. For this reason, estuaries are often referred to as nurseries.
How is an estuary different from a river?
The estuary can be understood as the coastal waterbody of one or more rivers that links to the sea or ocean. It is partially enclosed by land and contains brackish water, i.e. the mix of fresh and saltwater. In short, it is an area where tides flow in and out, and the river becomes wider and slowly converges the sea.
Why are River and ocean estuaries important for life?
Although an estuary does not usually carry any source of food because of the river and ocean water mixture that creates a high chemical level in the water that does not promote flora or fauna growth, it is still needed to provide necessary water into the life in the sea.
Are there ponds, lakes, rivers, and estuaries?
Ponds, lakes, rivers, and estuaries are believed to be the same thing for they all carry water. However, many are mistaken for the differences in each system of water flow is what allows water to be carried throughout the land. A pond is usually mistaken to be a form of lake in a smaller scale, that is hardly true.
How is the salinity of water in an estuaries determined?
The salinity of water in a vertically-mixed estuaries is the same from waters surface to the bottom of the estuary. Strong tidal currents eliminate the vertical layering of freshwater floating above denser seawater, and salinity is determined by the daily tidal stage.