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What is the role of state in the employment relationship?

What is the role of state in the employment relationship?

As an employer, the State can set the standards of responsible employment practice. The State can control prices and wages, either through direct intervention or in its management of the economy. Macro-economic policies of the State which affect labour market demand, employment and manpower utilisation.

What is the role of the government in industrial relations?

As Guardian of Industrial Peace. As Regulator of Industrial Actions. As Trouble-shooter in Resolving High-stake Industrial Disputes. As “Arbitrator” or “Referee” for Unfair Termination/Dismissal Appeals and Disputes on Non-re-employment.

What is state intervention in industrial relations?

State intervention in industrial relations is essentially a modern development. With the emergence of the concept of welfare state, new ideas of social philosophy, national economy and social justice sprang up with result that industrial relation no longer remains the concern of labour and management alone.

What are the roles of government in labour management relations?

Government is the sovereign and custodian of the coercive power, chief regulator of the national economy and the largest employer of labour with the principal responsibility of setting minimum standards to guide other employers or lays framework for the conduct of industrial relations.

What role does the state play to regulate employer/employee relationship?

The Government of India has enacted procedural as well substantive laws to regulate employer-employee relations in the country. In addition, the Government has set up wage boards, labour courts, tribunals and other bipartite and tripartite bodies to maintain healthy relations between employers and employees.

Who are involved in industrial relation?

The major parties to IR are the employees, employee representatives, employers, associations of employers, government and courts and tribunals. The major parties to IR are the employees, employee representatives, employers, associations of employers, government and courts and tribunals.

What is the role of state in industrial relations in India?

According to them, state performs the following functions in industrial relations: (a) It is the single largest employer of labour; (b) It makes legislations in the area employment relations; (c) It mediates conflicts between the different parties in an industrial dispute by way of arbitration and conciliation – for …

What factors influence the effectiveness of the state in performing its roles in industrial relations?

Factors Affecting Industrial Relations – Socio-Ethical and Cultural, Technological Advancement, Market Conditions, Economic Conditions, Political Parties and a Few Others

  • Socio-Ethical and Cultural Factor:
  • Technological Advancement:
  • Market Conditions:
  • Economic Conditions:
  • International Relations:
  • Psychological Factor:

What are the players of industrial relations and their roles?

The main participants in industrial relations are: (i) Employers. (ii) Employees/workers. (iii) Government. Employers have their associations to deal with labour problems and their unions in a collective way.

What is the role of state in development?

The state is committed to allocate more resources to build economic and social infrastructure aimed to eradicate poverty, to achieve rapid and sustainable economic growth and development.