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What is the term referring to nations who are politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country?

What is the term referring to nations who are politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country?

Satellite nations. Nations politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country: The Communist countries of Eastern Europe came to be called satellite nations because they were controlled by the Soviets.

What is imperialism quizlet?

Imperialism. Definition: Policy by which strong nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories.

What two countries dominated the Cold War?

Between 1946 and 1991 the United States, the Soviet Union, and their allies were locked in a long, tense conflict known as the Cold War.

What were the countries dominated by the Soviet Union known as?

Eastern Bloc
The Eastern Bloc, also known as the Communist Bloc, the Socialist Bloc and the Soviet Bloc, was the group of socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe, East Asia, and Southeast Asia under the influence of the Soviet Union and its ideology (communism) that existed during the Cold War (1947–1991) in opposition to …

What is the term for when a country is being dominated politically and economically by another nation especially by the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

The ideological struggle between communism (Soviet Union) and capitalism (United States) for world influence. A country dominated politically and economically by another nation, especially by the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

Is a country dominated by the Soviet Union?

In the decades after it was established, the Russian-dominated Soviet Union grew into one of the world’s most powerful and influential states and eventually encompassed 15 republics–Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Latvia.

What is the Berlin conference quizlet?

The Berlin Conference was a method of dividing the continent of Africa between the European Powers. The Berlin Conference was intended to reduce the conflict between European Nations and discard the slave trade, but ultimately divided up Africa to the European Nations.

What are nations dominated by another country?

Vocabulary Cold War

Satellite Nation, A country dominated politically and economically by another nation, especially by the Soviet Union during the Cold War
Iron Curtain, Symbolic line dividing free Western Europe and Soviet dominated communist Eastern Europe

Which term refers to the Eastern European countries that were dominated by the Soviet Union?

satellite nations. This group consisted of Eastern European nations that were dominated by the Soviet Union. Berlin airlift. This action provided vital supplies to a region blockaded by the Soviet Union.

Who were the Allied powers in ww2?

In World War II, the three great Allied powers—Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union—formed a Grand Alliance that was the key to victory. But the alliance partners did not share common political aims, and did not always agree on how the war should be fought.