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What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision Bush v Gore quizlet?

What was the significance of the Supreme Court decision Bush v Gore quizlet?

In Bush v. Gore (2000), a divided Supreme Court ruled that the state of Florida’s court-ordered manual recount of vote ballots in the 2000 presidential election was unconstitutional. The case proved to be the climax of the contentious presidential race between Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George W. Bush.

Which step in the presidential election process happens first?

  1. Step 1: Primaries and Caucuses. People with similar ideas usually belong to the same political party.
  2. Step 2: National Conventions and General Election. After the primaries and caucuses, each major party, Democrat and Republican, holds a national convention to select a Presidential nominee.
  3. Step 3: The Electoral College.

What finally decided the outcome of the 2000 presidential race between Al Gore and George W Bush quizlet?

What was the result of the 2000 presidential race between George W. Bush and Al Gore? A. Gore won the popular vote and the Electoral College vote.

Why did the Supreme Court decide the 2000 presidential election quizlet?

On Dec 12, 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that because identical ballots might be treated differently by different vote counters, the recount violated the U.S. Constitution’s equal protection clause. Bush remained the certified winner in Florida. Why did the United States go to war in Afghanistan?

What was the main idea behind the Bush doctrine quizlet?

The Bush Doctrine was the idea by Bush that America can treat all countries that support terrorists against the U.S. as enemies. It also asserts the right that the U.S. can take preemptive action against nations that it feels might pose terrorist threats.

What effect did the Supreme Court decision in the Citizens United v Federal Election Commission have on elections in the United States quizlet?

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, 558 U.S. 310 (2010), is a US constitutional law case, in which the United States Supreme Court held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures by corporations, associations, or labor unions.

What was the outcome of the 2000 presidential election quizlet?

Al Gore actually won the popular vote in the 2000 presidential election by over a half a million votes but lost the election.

What was the main point of the Bush Doctrine?

The Bush Doctrine holds that enemies of the US use terrorism as a war of ideology against the nation. The responsibility of the US is to protect itself by promoting democracy where the terrorists are located so as to undermine the basis for terrorist activities.