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What were the consequences of drawing up colonial boundaries in Africa?

What were the consequences of drawing up colonial boundaries in Africa?

In drawing up colonial boundaries in Africa, the colonial powers ignored ethnic and cultural divisions. 2. The colonial powers developed plantations and mines but few factories in Africa. You just studied 12 terms!

How did the way in which European colonialists carved up Africa in the 1800s lead to civil strife in many new African nations?

How did the way in which European colonialist carved up Africa in the 1800s lead to civil strig in new Africa nations. When the old colonies left Africa, they didn’t teach Africa how to govern. During their rule, ethnic groups that hated each other were forced to get along.

What sort of problems might result from combining or splitting groups of people without regard for ethnic or linguistic traditions?

What sort of problems might result from combining or splitting groups of people without regard for ethnic or linguistic traditions? *It can lead to wars because differences often generate hate because people aren’t tolerant of other beliefs.

What were the main negative effects of the economic policies of European colonizers quizlet?

Some of the main negative effects of the economic policies of the European colonizers is encouraging the expert of one or two cash crops instead of the production of a range of products to serve local heeds. Many plantations were built; but no mines, and manufactured goods were imported from European countries.

Why did Zaire face such difficulty upon gaining independence?

Zaire (Congo) faced such difficulty upon gaining independence from its colonizers, the Belgians because the latter had not prepared the country for the transition from colonial rule to self-rule at all.

What sort of problems might result from combining or splitting African ethnic groups?

Africans lost unity and different cultures were separated from each other. This resulted in the loss of culture because the people in each ethnic group were all divided by superimposed borders which ignore existing culture aspects.

How did colonial rule cause a breakdown in traditional African culture?

How did colonial rule cause a breakdown in traditional African culture? Traditional authority was replaced, men were forced to leave their villages to find work, and society was undermined by contempt for traditional culture.

How did Colonisation affect Africa?

Colonialism made African colonies dependent by introducing a mono- cultural economy for the territories. It also dehumanized African labour force and traders. It forced Africans to work in colonial plantations at very low wages and displaced them from their lands.

What effect did colonial boundaries have on newly independent African states?

What effect did old colonial boundaries have on newly independent African States? Colony boundaries had a negative effect on newly founded independent African States because the new borders divided people of the same backgrounds, or even worse, they were rivals.

What were the main negative effects of the economic policies of the European colonizers?

Instead of manufacturing a variety of goods to satisfy local needs, colonists promoted the export of cash crops. Plantations and mines were built, but factories were few as European countries provided consumer goods. These policies resulted in unbalanced economies and a weak middle class in new African nations.