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When was Alice Bailly born?

When was Alice Bailly born?

February 25, 1872
Alice Bailly/Date of birth

Where was Alice Bailly born?

Geneva, Switzerland
Alice Bailly/Place of birth

What art movement did Alice Bailly contribute to?

Alice Bailly/Periods
Feb 25, 1872 – Jan 1, 1938 Alice Bailly was a Swiss avant-garde painter, known for her interpretations on cubism, fauvism, futurism, her wool paintings, and her participation in the Dada movement.

What challenges did Alice Bailly face?

In 1936, Bailly accepted a commission to paint eight large murals for the foyer of the Theatre of Lausanne. This monumental task led to exhaustion, which presumably made Bailly more susceptible to the tuberculosis that claimed her life two years later.

Who was Alice Bailly and what did she do?

Alice Bailly (25 February 1872 – 1 January 1938) was a radical Swiss painter, known for her interpretations on cubism, fauvism, her wool paintings, and her participation in the Dada movement.

When did Mrs.Alice Bailey come to Toronto?

Mrs. Alice A. Bailey of New York and Mr. Foster Bailey paid a visit to Toronto on April 5, 6 and 7. Mrs. Bailey spoke in The Theosophical Hall to large audiences, that on Sunday evening taxing the capacity of the Hall, which seats 500.

How many wool paintings did Alice Bailly make?

In the course of a few years around fifty wool paintings were made, tableaux-laine, as Bailly called them. Alice Bailly then took another important step with respect to the presentation of her artworks; she came to the conclusion that her oil paintings were to be exhibited alongside the wool paintings.

How did Alice Bailly contribute to the Dada movement?

During World War I, the Dada phenomenon came about, with which Bailly was briefly involved. The movement, beginning in Switzerland, consisted of a variety of art forms and aimed to provoke violent reactions out of its viewers, not to please the public eye. Many believe modern performance art was developed because of this movement.