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Where did Mauchly study?

Where did Mauchly study?

Moore School of Electrical Engineering
Johns Hopkins UniversityUniversity of PennsylvaniaUrsinus CollegeMcKinley Technology High School
John Mauchly/Education

Who is John Mauchly?

John William Mauchly (August 30, 1907 – January 8, 1980) was an American physicist who, along with J. Presper Eckert, designed ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic digital computer, as well as EDVAC, BINAC and UNIVAC I, the first commercial computer made in the United States.

Where was Mauchly born?

Cincinnati, Ohio, United States
John Mauchly/Place of birth

Dr. Mauchly was born August 30, 1907, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and grew up in Chevy Chase, Maryland. He attended Johns Hopkins University on a scholarship, and received a Ph.

When was Mauchly born?

30 August 1907
John Mauchly/Date of birth
Mauchly was born August 30, 1907 in Cincinnati, Ohio. His father was a physicist at the Carnegie Institute of Washington, D.C., and likely influenced young Mauchly to pursue science.

What computer did John Mauchly?

Though the ENIAC patent was invalidated by the U.S. District Court in Minnesota, Eckert and Mauchly have nonetheless been credited by history with inventing the ENIAC, the world’s first large-scale general purpose electronic computer.

What does Edvac mean?

electronic discrete variable automatic computer
development of digital computers alterable memory was implemented in EDVAC (electronic discrete variable automatic computer).

What did John Presper Eckert invent?

J. Presper Eckert/Inventions
With John Mauchly he invented the first general-purpose electronic digital computer (ENIAC), presented the first course in computing topics (the Moore School Lectures), founded the first commercial computer company (the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation), and designed the first commercial computer in the U.S., the …

How old was John Mauchly when he was born?

Born on August 30, 1907, in Cincinnati, Ohio, John William Mauchly was the son of Sebastian Jacob and Rachel Elizabeth (maiden name, Schidemantel) Mauchly.

What did John Mauchly do with his idea?

Mauchly immediately began promoting his computer idea. The school had a contract with United States Army’s Ballistics Research Laboratory. Mauchly wrote a paper, “The Use of High Speed Vacuum Tube Devices for Calculating,” that explained his idea for building a computer.

When did John Mauchly start working on the computer?

Mauchly began working on the computer in 1943, with J.P. Eckert and many other scientists. However, Mauchly was the visionary and driving force behind the idea, while Eckert headed the engineering end. The same year, Mauchly was promoted to assistant professor of electrical engineering.

What was John Mauchly’s mother like in the 1920s?

John’s mother, Rachel Mauchly, was a strong woman, who enjoyed the gay lifestyle of the 1920s. She had attended the regular meetings of the local Women’s Club, hosted some of its luncheons, and held informal hen parties with her new friends and social acquaintances.