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Where is the St Lawrence River located?

Where is the St Lawrence River located?

St. Lawrence River, hydrographic system of east-central North America. It starts at the outflow of Lake Ontario and leads into the Atlantic Ocean in the extreme east of Canada, opening much of the interior of the North American continent.

Where does the St Lawrence river start and end?

Gulf of Saint Lawrence
Atlantic Ocean
Saint Lawrence River/Mouths

What states border the St. Lawrence River?

The basin covers parts of Ontario and Quebec in Canada, parts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, and nearly the entirety of the state of Michigan in the United States.

Where does the St. Lawrence River meet the Atlantic Ocean?

The river meets the Atlantic Ocean in a big “estuary” or bay, the biggest in the world; this is called the Gulf of Saint Lawrence….Saint Lawrence River.

Saint Lawrence River Fleuve Saint-Laurent, Fleuve St-Laurent, St-Lawrence River, St-Laurent River
Provinces Ontario, Quebec
State New York
Major City Montreal

What states border the St Lawrence River?

Who funded St Lawrence River in Canada?

Lawrence River in present-day Quebec, Canada. In 1534, Cartier was commissioned by King Francis I of France to explore the northern American lands in search of riches and the rumored Northwest Passage to Asia.

Is the St Lawrence River in Canada or the United States?

St. Lawrence River

St. Lawrence River Fleuve Saint-Laurent, Fleuve St-Laurent, St. Lawrence River
Country Canada, United States
Provinces Ontario, Quebec
State New York
Physical characteristics

What is the River between New York and Canada?

The Saint Lawrence Watershed lies at the border of New York State and Canada. The Saint Lawrence River serves as the gateway between the North Atlantic and the Great Lakes. At its most downstream point in the Unites States the Saint Lawrence drains an area of nearly 300,000 square miles.

Where does the St Lawrence turn to freshwater?

The St. Lawrence River begins as the outflow of the Great Lakes and widens into a large estuary near Ile d’Orléans, where the river’s fresh water first encounters oceanic salt water and where the typical two-layer estuarine circulation begins. Continuing downstream, the surface water of the St.

Where does the St Lawrence become salt water?


The Saint-Lawrence Fluvial Sector Estuary Sector
Depth 2 to 20 m over 300 m
Salinity Non-saline Increasingly saline; full salinity start. at Tadoussac
Start Great Lakes Ile d’Orléans
End Ile d’Orléans Pointe-des-Monts

What is the deepest part of the St. Lawrence River?

250 feet
The River flows 744 miles from Lake Ontario into the world’s largest estuary, the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Only 114 miles of the River are located in New York State. The River is 250 feet at its deepest point.