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Which individual should apply pesticides in a food service operation?

Which individual should apply pesticides in a food service operation?

The water provided by a hadn’t washing sink must be… Which individual should apply pesticides in a food service operation? A food handler who is receiving a food delivery observes signs of pests in the food.

What are the three basic rules of an integrated Pest management program?

IPM focuses on two parts – prevention and control – and has three basic rules: (1) Deny pests access to the establishment; (2) Deny pests food, water, and a place to hide or nest; and (3) Work in partnership with a PCO to eliminate any pest that does gain access to the establishment. Help! I have pests, now what?

Why should an operation avoid purchasing and applying pesticides?

Two reasons that foodservice operations should not purchase and apply pesticides on their​ own are: 1. pesticides are regulated by federal, state, and local laws, and some are not approved for use in restaurants or foodservice operations, and an operation may not know this. 2.

What are some reasons why you should not apply pesticides in your operation yourself?

Why should you not buy and apply pesticides on your own? -Applied incorrectly, they may have been ineffective or harmful. -Pests can develop resistance and immunity to pesticides. -Each region has its own pest-control problems and control measures may vary.

What should a manager of a quick service operation?

ServSafe Practice Test

Question Answer
What should a manager of quick-service operation do if a foodhandler reports having a sore throat and a fever? Restrict them from working with food
To work with food, a foodhandler with a wound must bandage the wound and wear single-use gloves

What must a manager do with a recalled food item in the operation?

What must a manager do with a recalled food item in the operation? Store the recalled item separately from other food. The store manager has matched the information form the recall notice to the it me.

What precautions must be taken both before and after pesticides are applied in your operation?

Cover equipment and food-contact surfaces that can not be moved. Wash, rinse, and sanitize food-contact surfaces after the areas have been sprayed. Anytime pesticides are used or stored on the premises, you should have a corresponding Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) because they are hazardous materials.

What do you need to do to prevent access of pests?

Preventing Pests

  1. Remove any sources of food, water or shelter.
  2. Store items in safe and enclosed containers.
  3. Dispose of garbage regularly with a tightly closed lid.
  4. Reduce clutter or areas where pests can hide.
  5. Seal and close off any cracks or holes to eliminate outside entry.

When Should pesticides be applied?

The best time to use a pesticide is when the soil is moderately dry and no rain is expected, on a cloudy day when temperatures are moderate. Never apply pesticide when there is wind to prevent the chemical from drifting to non-target areas.

What precautions should a person take when using insecticides that contain organophosphates?

People who work with organophosphates should: wear full protective gear during and after applying them. take a bath or shower at the end of the working day and wash before eating or drinking. know which products contain organophosphates and how to recognize them.

How can managers prevent pests from entering their operations?

To prevent pests from entering your operation: Refuse shipments that have pests or signs of pests, such as egg cases or body parts. – screen all windows and vents with at least 16 mesh per square inch screening. – install self-closing devices and door sweeps on all doors.

What’s the proper way to clean after applying pesticides?

Proper cleaning procedures should always be followed after applying pesticides. To remove pesticide residues, use a bucket to thoroughly rinse tools or equipment that you used when mixing the pesticide.

Where should pesticides be stored in an operation?

If pesticides are stored in the operation, where should they be kept? In a secure location, away from food and equipment to deny pests food and shelter in outside dining areas and around your operation, it is important to mow the grass pesticides should be disposed of by The PCO

When is a pesticide application called a broadcast application?

When a pesticide is applied uni- formly to an entire area or field, it is termed a broadcast application. An application of ant bait to an entire field would be considered broadcast because it is applied to the whole area.

What should I do if I use pesticide on my body?

Wash any parts of the body that may have been exposed to the pesticide, with soap and water, and finish the job in fresh, clean clothing. Indoors or outdoors, never put bait for insects or rats, mice, and other rodents where small children or pets can reach it.