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Which is correct committee is or committee are?

Which is correct committee is or committee are?

Committee is a collective noun. A committee is made up of multiple people, but the word itself is singular in form. In American English, collective nouns take is. In British English, collective nouns can take is or are.

How do you use committee in a sentence?

Committee in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Each committee member was given a different task to complete for the upcoming Relay for Life Event.
  2. Earlier in the month, the committee held a meeting to try and determine where the missing funds were.

What pronoun is used for committee?

Collective nouns (committee, team, squad, army, class, and the like) refer to groups. How do you choose a pronoun to refer to that committee, squad, or team? When the group is acting as a unit — doing the same thing at the same time — the noun is singular and the pronouns that refer to it are also singular.

What verb is used with committee?

We often use singular nouns that refer to groups of people (for example: team, government, committee) as if they were plural. This is because we often think of the group as people, doing things that people do (eating, wanting, feeling etc). In such cases, we use a plural verb.

Does committee use its or their?

A cell is “it.” You are, at least traditionally, either “he” or “she.” A committee is made up of people, but it is not a person. A person is, at least traditionally, either “he” or “she.” A committee is “it” if you are referring to it as a single entity, “they” if you want to emphasize the individuals in it.

What is the word committee mean?

1a : a body of persons delegated to consider, investigate, take action on, or report on some matter an advisory committee specifically : a group of fellow legislators chosen by a legislative body to give consideration to legislative matters The bill has been sent back to committee.

What’s a committee member?

Committee members means persons formally appointed by the Board to sit on or to chair specific committees.

Is committee a proper noun?

Avoid capitalizing a committee, center, group, program, institute or initiative unless it is officially recognized and formally named. Capitalize the official, proper names of long-standing committees and groups and formally developed programs and initiatives.

Is a committee their or its?

Is police plural or singular?

Police is a noun which describes a collection of police officers. This means it has no singular form and always uses a plural verb.

Is Club plural or singular?

club ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

singular club
plural clubs

Which is correct, in the committee or on the Committee?

“On the committee” refers to a person’s membership, as in “I served on the committee for student affairs.” “In the committee” or simply “in committee” refers to where the work is done, as in “That issue will be decided in committee” or “He can’t take your call right now; he’s in a committee meeting.”

What is the kids definition of a committee?

Kids Definition of committee. : a group of persons appointed or elected to study a problem, plan an event, or perform a specific duty.

What was the Health Committee happy about today?

The Health Committee was happy today. This was the Committee who oversaw the new banking regulations passed a bill today. The Health Committee was happy today. This was the Committee which oversaw the new banking regulations passed a bill today.