Table of Contents
Who are the characters in Flowers for Algernon?
Character List
- Charlie Gordon. The protagonist and author of the progress reports that form the text of Flowers for Algernon.
- Alice Kinnian. Charlie’s teacher at the Beekman College Center for Retarded Adults.
- Professor Harold Nemur.
- Dr.
- Burt Selden.
- Algernon.
- Fay Lillman.
- Rose Gordon.
Is Algernon a girl?
Algernon A white mouse that undergoes the same surgery as Charlie. Algernon’s intelligence is superior to Charlie’s when they first meet; however, Charlie soon surpasses him.
Which type of character is Charlie in Flowers for Algernon?
Charlie is a happy, kind and innocent man whose intelligence turns him into an alienated, arrogant and unsympathetic character. She is Charlie’s teacher and often his wise mentor in a way beyond intellect.
Who is Charlie’s landlady in Flowers for Algernon?
Mrs. Mooney is Charlie’s landlady at his New York apartment building; she brings him food and looks in on him as his intelligence declines. Napoleon is the dog Norma finally gets when she grows up; she was not allowed to have one as a child. Bertha Nemur is Professor Nemur’s overbearing wife.
How is Algernon an Aesthete?
Algernon primarily channels his aesthetic energies into his creation of the Bunbury figure. It is clear that style and his own desires will come first for Algernon. His appreciation of fine food and drink and his interest in fashion put him in the category of an aesthete.
What did Alice tell Charlie she had against Fay?
Alice tells Charlie that she understands why he is enamored with Fay’s lightheartedness and spontaneity but worries that Fay and her drinking habits are detrimental to Charlie’s important work. Charlie makes love to Fay, thinking all along about Alice.
Who is Charles boss in Flowers for Algernon?
Charlie comes to love the mouse and buries Algernon in his backyard, often placing flowers on the mouse’s grave. Mr. Donner is Charlie’s boss and the owner of Donner’s Bakery. He hires Charlie at the request of Charlie’s Uncle Herman, promising that as long as he lives Charlie will have a job.
Who is Alice in Flowers for Algernon?
Alice Kinnian is the one person with whom Charlie comes to experience a truly fulfilling personal relationship. It is fitting that throughout the novel Alice represents the human warmth and kindness that persist in the face of the intellectual and scientific focus of many of the other characters.
Who wrote Flowers for Algernon?
Daniel Keyes
Flowers for Algernon/Authors