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Who convinced the delegates from all states to agree on a new constitution?

Who convinced the delegates from all states to agree on a new constitution?

James Madison then convinced the Virginia legislature to call a convention of all the states to discuss such sticky trade-related issues at Annapolis, Maryland.

Why did the delegates call the meeting?

Troubles with the existing Confederation of States finally convinced the Continental Congress, in February 1787, to call for a convention of delegates to meet in May in Philadelphia “to devise such further provisions as shall appear to them necessary to render the constitution of the Federal Government adequate to the …

Who did the delegates selected to preside over the meeting?

The delegates elected George Washington to preside over the Convention. 70 Delegates had been appointed by the original states to attend the Constitutional Convention, but only 55 were able to be there.

Who helped write the Constitution of the United states?

James Madison is known as the Father of the Constitution because of his pivotal role in the document’s drafting as well as its ratification. Madison also drafted the first 10 amendments — the Bill of Rights.

Where did delegates come from?

Who Are These Men? Delegates hailing from all the original states except Rhode Island gathered in the Pennsylvania State House in 1787 to participate in the Constitutional Convention. Many of the delegates had fought in the American Revolution and about three-fourths had served in Congress.

Who was chosen to preside over the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington
In 1787, George Washington was persuaded to attend the Constitutional Convention and subsequently was unanimously elected its president.

Where did the delegates of the Continental Convention meet?

When the delegates of the Federal Convention met in the Pennsylvania state house (now Independence Hall) in May 1787, Edmund Randolph of Virginia offered the most comprehensive plan, essentially bypassing revisions and suggesting an entirely new government. The “Virginia Plan” had been drafted by fellow delegate, James Madison.

How many delegates signed the United States Constitution?

Listed below are the 34 Continental and Confederation Congress Delegates who signed the United States Constitution. The state listings reflect the states they represented during the Federal Convention:

Who are the 5 delegates who did not serve in the Continental Congress?

5 The five signatories who signed the Constitution but did not serve in the Continental or Confederation Congresses are Richard Bassett of Delaware, John Blair of Virginia, David Brearley of New Jersey, Jacob Broom of Delaware, and Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina.

What did the delegates discuss at the Annapolis Convention?

Most of the delegates to the meeting were tasked only to take up the issue of trade among the states, but New Jersey’s delegates were authorized to discuss a broader scope of reforms.