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Who did Vasco da Gama meet?
Da Gama sailed from Lisbon, Portugal, in July 1497, rounded the Cape of Good Hope, and anchored at Malindi on the east coast of Africa. With the aid of an Indian merchant he met there, he then set off across the Indian Ocean.
Which Indian businessman helped Vasco da Gama reached India?
Explanation: Vasco da Gama reportedly took Kanji Malam onboard at Malindi in East Africa, and since Kanji Malam had excellent knowledge of the sea route to India, he could guide Vasco da Gama to Calicut, also known as ‘Kozhikode’ in the present day.
What places did Vasco da Gama discover?
Christopher Columbus’ unsuccessful search for a western maritime route to India resulted in the “discovery” of the Americas in 1492, but it was Vasco da Gama who ultimately established the Carreira da India, or India Route, when he sailed around Africa and into the Indian Ocean, landing at Calicut (modern Kozhikode).
Who escorted Vasco da Gama?
Vasco da Gama reportedly took Kanji Malam onboard at Malindi in East Africa, and since Kanji Malam had excellent knowledge of the sea route to India, he could guide Vasco da Gama to Calicut, also known as ‘Kozhikode’ in the present day.
When did Vasco da Gama died?
24 December 1524
Vasco da Gama/Date of death
When did Vasco da Gama return from his first voyage?
By the time Vasco da Gama returned from his first voyage to India in 1499, he had spent more than two years away from home, including 300 days at sea, and had traveled some 24,000 miles.
When did Vasco da Gama marry Caterina de Ataide?
After he had returned from his first trip, in 1500 Vasco da Gama had married Caterina de Ataíde. They had six sons, and lived in the town Évora. Da Gama continued advising on Indian affairs until he was sent overseas again in 1524.
Why did Vasco da Gama want to avoid the Gulf of Guinea?
Vasco da Gama was placed in command of the expedition. In Vasco Da Gama Journey he wanted to avoid the Gulf of Guinea, where Dias had had problems with the weather and currents. To do this da Gama sailed his ships out into the Atlantic Ocean, eventually coming within 600 miles of South America.
When did King Manuel give sines to Vasco da Gama?
In December 1499, King Manuel I of Portugal rewarded Vasco da Gama with the town of Sines as a hereditary fief (the town his father, Estêvão, had once held as a commenda).