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Who has the most fast food restaurants in the world?

Who has the most fast food restaurants in the world?

McDonald’s is the world’s largest fast-food restaurant chain and one of the best-known brand names. The company has more than 39,000 locations in about 100 countries.

What country has the least fast food restaurants?

Here are a few countries out of the 105 in the world where you won’t find McDonald’s fries or burgers.

  • Bermuda*
  • Barbados*
  • Cambodia.
  • Jamaica*
  • Ghana.
  • Montenegro.
  • Yemen.

Which country has the most fast food restaurants per capita?

And now look out your back window. If you noticed any less than five fast food restaurants you might not actually be living in the United States. As previously mentioned, Sweden leads Europe with 23.5 McDonald’s per million people, but the United States is far and away the world leader with 45.1 per million people.

Which country is famous for fast food?

The United States has the largest fast food industry in the world, and American fast food restaurants are located in over 100 countries.

Which country has the most McDonald’s?

United States
Countries and territories with a McDonald’s outlet

# Country/territory People per outlet
1 United States 23,130
2 Canada (details) 25,560
3 Puerto Rico (territory of United States) 29,583
4 U.S. Virgin Islands (territory of United States) 17,878

Which country eats the most McDonald’s?

10 Countries That Consume Way Too Much McDonald’s (10 That Can’t Stomach It)

  • 14 Consumes The Most McDonald’s: Canada.
  • 15 Can’t Stand It: Bolivia.
  • 16 Consumes The Most McDonald’s: France.
  • 17 Can’t Stand It: Iran.
  • 18 Consumes The Most McDonald’s: China.
  • 19 Can’t Stand It: Bermuda.
  • 20 Consumes The Most McDonald’s: USA.

What country eats the most Mcdonalds?

What country has the most KFC?

Top 26 ranks, by kfc franchises in descending order

Rank Name KFC Franchises
1 China 1, 2, 3, 4 4,563
2 United States 1, 2, 3, 4 4,491
3 Japan 1, 2 1,181
4 United Kingdom 1, 2, 4 900

Which country consumes the most fast-food?

1) United States. 2) France. 3) Canada. 4) United Kingdom. 5) South Korea. 6) Japan. 7) Austria. 8) Germany. 9) Switzerland. 10) Sweden.

What is the healthiest diet on Earth?

Pritikin, one of the healthiest diets on earth, includes protein from both animal and plant sources. Protein-Rich Animal Foods:Fish, White Poultry, Lean Meat No more than 1 serving per day. A serving is about 3½ to 4 ounces cooked (the size of a deck of cards).

Which country eats the most food?

According to daily calorie intake, Austria consumes more calories than any other country, followed by the United States. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Food Balance Sheets, food consumption refers to the available food for human consumption.

What is the most fattest food in the world?

Media/ Thinkstock. Ounce for ounce, nuts are the most fat-dense foods on earth, but thankfully the fat in them is very high in monounsaturated fat , which actually promotes overall health. A one-cup serving of almonds, for example, weighs 92 grams and contains 45 grams of fat, meaning it contains nearly 49 percent fat.