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Why am I retaining water in my feet and ankles?

Why am I retaining water in my feet and ankles?

Heart, liver, or kidney disease. Ankles that swell in the evening could be a sign of retaining salt and water because of right-sided heart failure. Kidney disease can also cause foot and ankle swelling. When kidneys are not functioning properly, fluid can build up in the body.

How do I get rid of fluid in my ankles and feet?

Here are 10 to try.

  1. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
  2. Buy compression socks.
  3. Soak in a cool Epsom salt bath for about 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Elevate your feet, preferably above your heart.
  5. Get moving!
  6. Magnesium supplements can be helpful for some people.
  7. Make some dietary changes.
  8. Lose weight if you’re overweight.

What does it mean when you retain water in your feet?

Sitting or standing too long can cause your tissue to hold water. If your job keeps you on your feet, you may notice swollen legs and ankles at the end of the day. It’s also common after a long time on an airplane. The key is to keep blood circulating.

Is water retention bad?

You can live a healthy life if you naturally retain water. It’s a common health issue. Its side effects are usually little more than feeling like you’ve gained some weight and your clothes fit tighter than usual. If you feel concerned about your symptoms, consult your doctor.

How do you tell if you are retaining water?

Symptoms of water retention can include:

  1. bloating, especially in the abdominal area.
  2. swollen legs, feet, and ankles.
  3. puffiness of the abdomen, face, and hips.
  4. stiff joints.
  5. weight fluctuations.
  6. indentations in the skin, similar to what you see on your fingers when you’ve been in the bath or shower a long time.

How long does it take for water retention to go away?

He notes that the average person can expect to lose one to three pounds in about two days. Also keep in mind that regular workouts can result in less water retention, since sweating sheds water, glycogen, and sodium.

How can I tell if I have water retention?

What causes water retention in feet?

Water retention is caused by fluid build up in body tissues, according to MedlinePlus . This condition is also called edema. The legs, ankles and feet are prone to water retention.

What are the causes of water retention in ankles?

Venous Insufficiency. Bluish discoloration of the skin in the affected lower limb is usually observed when there is limited blood flow to the veins in this area.

  • Heart Failure.
  • Kidney Failure.
  • Low Blood Protein.
  • Other Causes.
  • Warnings.
  • What causes water retention?

    Poor diet. One of the main causes of water retention is poor diet – both excess sodium levels and excess sugar can lead to water retention. “Eating too much salt can cause water retention because your body needs to hold on to water to dilute it,” explains GP and weight loss adviser Dr Julie Coffey.

    How can I reduce the swelling in my ankles and feet?

    Another effective home remedy for swollen feet and ankles is soaking the feet in cold water for 15 minutes. This will help reduce the edema and relieve swollen feet. You should also reduce your intake of salty foods.