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Why does the priest believe that Oedipus can do something about the problems in Thebes?

Why does the priest believe that Oedipus can do something about the problems in Thebes?

The priest believes Thebes is cursed. Crops, animals, and people are dying. 2. Thebes was cursed before, and Oedipus was able to lift that curse by defeating the creature that caused it.

What is it that the priest tells Oedipus is wrong?

Terms in this set (40) What the does the priest say to Oedipus? The priest tells Oedipus about the plague that ravages Thebes.

Why does the priest consult with Oedipus?

Terms in this set (23) What has the priest come to ask of Oedipus? The priest wants Oedipus to save Thebes from the sickening pandemic plaguing the city. When the king of Thebes, Laios, died, a sphinx took control and made a deal that if anyone solved her riddle, they would take over Thebes and she would kill herself.

How does the priest view or feel about Oedipus?

The priest describes that there is much disease and death in Thebes. He calls it a plague that disrupts the production of humans and crops. How do the suppliants view Oedipus? They have a high opinion of him since they feel indebted towards him since he saved them from the sphinx.

What issue is Oedipus attempting to fix at the beginning of the play Oedipus Rex?

On the surface, the problem afflicting Thebes is a plague. But, when Oedipus sends Creon to discover the source of the plague, he learns it springs from a moral problem: the murderer of Laius, the former ruler, has never been found, but now must be brought to justice if the city is to heal.

What powerful being does the priest compare Oedipus to?

According to Greek mythology, a Sphinx is a creature that has a lion’s body, bird’s wings, and a woman’s face. Since Oedipus rescued the city from the Sphinx so many years ago, the priest is begging Oedipus to rescue them from their present plague, thereby comparing both plagues.

What steps has Oedipus taken to solve problems?

The step that Oedipus has already taken to deal with the problem is he sent his brother-in-law, Creon, to the shrine to try to learn what to do.

What does the shepherd say to Oedipus?

SHEPHERD: To destroy it. OEDIPUS: Her own child.

What does the priest say to Oedipus?

What the does the priest say to Oedipus? The priest tells Oedipus about the plague that ravages Thebes. He begs Oedipus to resolve the crisis reminding him he solved the riddle of the Sphinx before. Finally the priest tells Oedipus that it is in his own self-interest to rid the city of the plague.

Why does the priest ask for Oedipus help at the start of the play?

In the play . . . A priest and his followers ask Oedipus to find a way to save them from the plague. Creon returns and reports that they need to find the murderer of Laius, the former king. Oedipus swears he will find and punish the man.

What was Oedipus doing about the problem?

Oedipus is shocked by this revelation. Oedipus, therefore, knows what he needs to do: find the murderer and drive him out. Therefore, he is passionate about finding the murderer to save Thebes. When the problem proves to be intractable, Oedipus sends for the blind prophet, Tiresias.

What did the priest tell Oedipus about the plague?

He tells them they can trust him to help in any way he can. In a moving speech, a priest tells Oedipus the city’s woes: the crops are ruined, cattle are sick, women die in labor and children are stillborn, and people are perishing from the plague. The priest begs Oedipus to save Thebes, just as Oedipus once saved it from the Sphinx.

What does Oedipus say to the murderer of his family?

Oedipus curses the murderer—”Let that man drag out his life in agony, step by painful step.” He adds that even if the murderer ends up being a member of his own family, he or she should receive the same harsh banishment and punishment. Oedipus acts quickly to find the killer.

What does Oedipus say about the oracle at Delphi?

Oedipus says he knows of the trouble and has been trying to think of a solution. He has already sent Creon, his brother-in-law, to the oracle at Delphi to find out what the god Apollo advises. Just then, the priest notices that Creon is returning from this mission.

What did Creon tell Oedipus before he became king?

Creon tells Oedipus and the assembled priests the words of the god Apollo, according to the oracle. Before Oedipus became king, the previous king, Laius, was murdered, and his murderer was never discovered. According to the oracle, the killer lives in Thebes.