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What are the two types of representation quizlet?

What are the two types of representation quizlet?

Policy representation. congressional work to advance the issues and ideological preferences of constituents. Allocative representation.

What is allocative representation?

Allocative representation. congressional work to secure projects, services, and funds for the represented district. Casework. legislative work on behalf of individual constituents to solve their problems with government agencies and programs.

What is symbolic representation?

Symbolic representation is traditionally defined as the representation of a principal, a nation for example, through a symbol, such as a flag, that evokes particular meanings and emotions about the nation (Pitkin 1967).

Who among the following is chief exponent of functional representation?

Q. Who among the following is the chief exponent of functional representation?
B. g.d. cole
C. james mill
D. james bryce
Answer» a. john locke

What is the trustee theory of representation?

The trustee model of representation is a model of a representative democracy, frequently contrasted with the delegate model of representation. In this model, constituents elect their representatives as ‘trustees’ for their constituency.

What is symbolic representation example?

A child in this mode (called the symbolic mode or stage) is able to depict and convey ideas through the use of words, sounds, and play; the child can, for example, imagine that he or she is a fire engine and make siren noises while pushing a block that represents a speeding engine. …

What is Enactive representation?

Enactive (0 – 1 year) Thinking is based entirely on physical actions, and infants learn by doing, rather than by internal representation (or thinking). It involves encoding physical action based information and storing it in our memory.