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Can you hunt deer with an AR in Indiana?

Can you hunt deer with an AR in Indiana?

Hash said the Indiana General Assembly passed an amendment to the rifle statute this year. So hunters can no longer use rifles when hunting deer on public land, which includes both state and federal property. The amendment only affects rifles on public property.

Can you use a 308 on public land in Indiana?

No cartridges with a bullet diameter between . 243 and . 308 are legal (such as the . Rifles with pistol cartridges that have been allowed in previous years may still be used to hunt deer on both private and public land.

Is 45 70 legal for deer in Indiana?

45-70 Government. The law is scheduled to expire after the 2020 deer season. At that time, the DNR will submit an impact report to the governor and the General Assembly. The new law restricts the number of cartridges for a deer hunter to be 10 or fewer.

What are the legal calibers for deer hunting?

Best Caliber for Deer Hunting

  • 204 Ruger.
  • 222 Remington.
  • 223 Remington.
  • 243 Winchester.
  • 244/6mm Remington.
  • 257 Roberts.
  • 25-06 Remington.
  • 6.5 Grendel.

What calibers can you hunt deer with in Indiana?

Rifle cartridges that are legal under this law for private land include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 6mm-06.
  • 6mm BR Remington.
  • 6mm PPC.
  • 6mm Remington.
  • . 240 Weatherby.
  • . 243 Winchester.
  • . 243 Winchester Super Short Magnum.
  • . 25 Remington.

Can you hunt with 7.62 in Indiana?

The requirements for hunting are: The rifle must have a barrel length of at least 16 inches. 243 inches (or 6 mm) or 308 inches (or 7.62 mm) No cartridges with a bullet diameter between .

Can you hunt deer with a 10 mm in Indiana?

Due to recent legislation passed this year by the Indiana General Assembly, hunters can no longer use rifles when hunting deer on public land. It remains legal to use a muzzleloader, shotgun or handgun that fires a commercially available bullet of 10 millimeters in diameter to hunt deer such as this GLOCK-29 10 mm.

Is 10mm legal for deer in Indiana?

Due to recent legislation passed this year by the Indiana General Assembly, hunters can no longer use rifles when hunting deer on public land. File PhotosIt remains legal to use a muzzleloader, shotgun or handgun that fires a commercially available bullet of 10 millimeters in diameter to hunt deer on public land.

What calibers are legal for deer hunting in Indiana?

Rifle cartridges that are legal under this law for private land include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • 6mm-06.
  • 6mm BR Remington.
  • 6mm PPC.
  • 6mm Remington.
  • .240 Weatherby.
  • .243 Winchester.
  • .243 Winchester Super Short Magnum.
  • .25 Remington.

Can you use a 22 for deer hunting?

22LR cartridge is capable of killing a deer if shot placement is accurate; however, a . 22LR is not a legal cartridge for hunting deer in any US state because it does not have enough power to ethically hunt a deer and ensure a quick kill. 22 bullet were shot at a deer. …

What guns can you hunt deer with in Indiana?

Hunting Equipment Shotguns, handguns, rifles with legal cartridges, muzzleloading long guns, and muzzleloading handguns are legal during the firearms season. Only muzzleloading firearms are legal during the muzzleloader season.

Can you deer hunt with a 338 Lapua?

338 Lapua Magnum a viable caliber/load/round/cartridge for whitetail deer hunting? 338 Lapua Magnum is within the ideal range of suitable calibers to harvest whitetail deer.

What are the hunting regulations in Indiana?

Hunting Regulations. For safety, hunters in Indiana must wear a fluorescent orange outer garment and hat while hunting. Safety concerns also make it illegal to shoot across roads or bodies of water. Hunters must get permission from landowners before entering or hunting on private property.

Which caliber for Indiana deer?

Some rifle cartridges are now legal for deer hunting in Indiana. Strike that, too. Rifles chambered in .243 and .30-caliber and that have a case length of at least 1.16 inches and that have barrels longer than 16 inches are now legal for deer hunting in Indiana.

Can you hunt with rifle in Indiana?

Indiana approves deer hunting with rifles. Up until this season, deer hunters in Indiana could only use handguns, shotguns and muzzle loaders as approved firearms.

How do you get a hunting license in Indiana?

To purchase an Indiana hunting license, hunters can apply online, by mail or in person. To apply online, visit the Indiana Outdoor Online Licensing system. To apply by mail, prepare a document with your personal information and send it, along with a check or money order for the license fee,…