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How is an undertow current different from a longshore current?
The reason why they differ is because an undertow is a subsurface current that is close to the shore and that pulls things out to sea, but a longshore current is a water current that travels close to and straight down the shoreline. The heavy undertow slows the waves down making them increase in height.
Which type of wave makes for the best sailing on the ocean?
For boaters, long wave periods (e.g., 12 seconds) are better for sailing because it typically means most of the waves will be swells which means a smoother ride for small boats.
What increases when a wave decreases?
A decrease in frequency means an increase in wavelength.
What is undertow current?
undertow, a strong seaward bottom current returning the water of broken waves back out to sea. The water actually thrown up on the shore by breaking waves does flow back, however, and under certain circumstances this return flow may be experienced by swimmers as a strong current.
What causes undertow?
An undertow is a type of ocean current that is caused by waves breaking on the shore. When the water finds a weak point, it pushes out to sea, creating a rip current. As waves break on the shore, the water from the previous waves rush underneath them.
Where does an undertow take sand?
People standing on a beach often feel the water tugging the sand away from under their feet. This is the undertow, the current that pulls water back into the ocean after a wave breaks on the beach. Large storms produce strong undertows that can strip beaches of sand.
Can waves flip a boat?
A single, large wave can cause a boat to become unstable and flip over. If you rock a boat a little bit, it should return to its upright position. But rock the boat too much, and it can flip.
Does amplitude affect wave speed?
The amplitude of a wave does not affect the speed at which the wave travels. The wavelength of a wave does not affect the speed at which the wave travels. Both Wave C and Wave D travel at the same speed.
Where does undertow go?
An undertow occurs everywhere underneath shore-approaching waves, whereas rip currents are localized narrow offshore currents occurring at certain locations along the coast.
What do you do in an undertow?
Always swim with an adult who can help you or call for help in case of an emergency. If you are dragged in by an undertow, you must stay calm in order to resist the process. Don’t wear yourself out swimming against the current. The most important thing is to stay afloat.