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What is the maximum amount of IM injection?

What is the maximum amount of IM injection?

For “deep” IM injections, the recommended volume ranges from 2 to 5 ml. If the patient’s available muscle tissue is limited and the dorsogluteal muscle must be used, volumes of up to 4 ml can be administered into this site. The ventrogluteal muscle can accommodate up to 2.5 ml, with a maximum volume of 3 ml.

Can you give 2 ml in deltoid?

Deltoid muscle This site is used for small medication volumes and administration of routine immunizations in adults. If the deltoid site is used, no more than 2 ml of medication should be administered at one time.

What is the maximum volume for intramuscular injection in pediatrics?

The maximum volume should not exceed 1 mL. If the skin is stretched flat, a 1/2 inch needle is sufficient.

What is the standard volume usually injected through an IM route?

Several authors recommend 22- to 25-gauge needles for intramuscular injection. The volume injected should not exceed 0.05 ml/kg/site (Morton et al., 2001) or 0.1 to 0.5 mL per site with a maximum of two to four sites per animal (Wolfensohn and Lloyd, 1994; Hull, 1995; Sharp and LaRegina, 1998; Nebendahl, 2000).

What size needle should be used for intramuscular injections?

Intramuscular injections are administered at a 90-degree angle to the skin, preferably into the anterolateral aspect of the thigh or the deltoid muscle of the upper arm, depending on the age of the patient (Table 6-2). The needle gauge for intramuscular injection is 22-25 gauge.

How do you aspirate an IM injection?

Once you have found your injection site, sanitized it, and prepped it, you can slowly insert your needle as normal. Do not release any fluid into the injection site though. Slowly pull back on the syringe for about three seconds to aspirate the needle.

What happens if you give an IM injection too high?

When the injection is given too high or too deep in this muscle, the needle can hit bone or puncture the fluid-filled sac called the bursa, which protects the tendons in the shoulder. When this happens, the bursa, tendons and ligaments can become inflamed.

How much volume is an IM injection?

An intramuscular (IM) injection is the administration of medication through the cutaneous and subcutaneous layers, into the muscle. Solutions up to a volume of 5ml in large muscles, and 2ml in smaller muscles, may be used.

What size needle should be used for IM injections?

What size needles for testosterone?

Intramuscular shots are given at 90 degree angle. Needle for IM injections can be 22-23 Gauge, 1-1.5 inches in length, adjusted for thickness of site.