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What is the medical term for surgical removal of toenail?
Matricectomy: the process of surgically or chemically destroying all or part of the base nail portion called the nail matrix. Complete destruction of the nail matrix results in permanent loss of that portion of the nail. Once the nail matrix is fully removed or destroyed, a new nail plate cannot ever be regenerated.
What is Matrixectomy?
This procedure is used to remove the problem portion of an ingrown toenail and to prevent the ingrown toenail from recurring.
What is nail avulsion and excision?
Avulsion of a nail involves separation and removal of the entire nail plate or a portion of nail plate and an excision of the nail and the nail matrix is generally performed under local anesthesia requiring separation and removal of the entire nail plate or a portion of nail plate and is a permanent removal.
What is the medical term for fingernail?
The nail plate (corpus unguis) is the hard part of the nail, made of translucent keratin protein. Several layers of dead, compacted cells cause the nail to be strong but flexible. Its (transverse) shape is determined by the form of the underlying bone. In common usage, the word nail often refers to this part only.
How is a fingernail removed surgically?
Surgical nail removal can be done in your doctor’s office. Your doctor will give you an injection in the finger or toe to prevent pain. Then your doctor will use a tool to loosen the skin around the nail and separate the nail from the skin. If only part of the nail is diseased, only the diseased part is removed.
What term means surgical removal of wrinkles?
[rit″ĭ-dek´tah-me] plastic surgery for the removal of wrinkles, done to make an aging face look younger.
What is Phenolisation?
Accordingly, in some cases as determined by a doctor, the nail matrix is coated with a chemical (usually phenol) so none of the nail will ever grow back. This is known as a permanent or full nail avulsion, or full matrixectomy, phenolisation, or full phenol avulsion.
What is Phenolization?
noun. (also phenolisation) Medicine. Treatment with a phenol, especially for the purposes of disinfection or sterilization.
What is Excision of nail?
The partial or complete excision of nail and nail matrix is a surgical procedure that can be performed for the permanent removal of ingrown or deformed nail. The nail matrix is the layer of cells at the base of the fingernail that is responsible for nail growth.
How do they surgically remove toenails?
Surgical nail removal can be done in a clinic or your doctor’s office. Your doctor will give you an injection in the finger or toe to prevent pain. He or she will then loosen the skin around the nail (nail folds) from the nail and separate the nail from the skin by using a tool under the nail.