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Why we should keep zoos?

Why we should keep zoos?

Zoos are necessary because they unite and educate the community, providing an understanding of the interdependence of animals and their habitats, and conduct conservation programs of animals in the wild, including breeding programs to reintroduce extinct and endangered species back into their natural environment.

Should animals be in zoos?

Zoos save endangered species by bringing them into a safe environment, where they are protected from poachers, habitat loss, starvation, and predators. A good zoo provides an enriched habitat in which the animals are never bored, are well cared for, and have plenty of space.

Why zoos are bad or good?

Zoos may be great entertainment, but their big goal is to educate the public about wildlife and what we can do to protect them. In addition, zoos work really hard to save animals that are threatened in the wild. Zoos can take at-risk animals, breed them in captivity, and then reintroduce them back into the wild.

What are the reasons why animals should not be kept in zoos?

Arguments Against Zoos Animal Welfare Overlooked. In some zoos, animal welfare is often overlooked, leaving captive animals to suffer under conditions that are psychologically and physiologically damaging. Adverse Effects Of Unnatural Conditions. Breeding Programs Create Dependencies. Change In Animal Behavior Due To Captivity. Overpopulation. Animals And Liberty.

Why animals should not be in zoos?

Another reason why animals should not be kept in zoos is because when they are stressed they don’t breed. They don’t create babies. When they die the zoo has to get hold of a new animal from somewhere else. Some of these animals will come from the wild where they should be left alone.

What are some bad things about zoos?

Bad things about zoos: Some zoos use cement cages and don’t let animals stand on their own two (or more) feet. This causes them to be unable to look after themselves. Another thing many zoos do that is bad is separating and isolating pack animals. They’re called pack animals for a reason. When taken away from their pride, pack, pod,…