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Are 911 996 A Good Investment?

Are 911 996 A Good Investment?

The 996 911 is still making good money. However, the problems with the 996 are so well known, that a bargain basement car with higher mileage could still be a worthwhile investment, provided you are prepared to spend a little money straightening out the known issues. Don’t buy an early automatic transmission 996!

What is a jacking point?

A point on an object at which a lifting jack is applied; any of several locations on the underside of a motor vehicle where it is safe to apply a jack, especially a location that has been designed especially for this purpose.

Where do you jack up a 997?

Porsche 997: How to Jack Up Your 997

  • Step 1 – Locate right rear jack point, place first floor jack under it, and lift to appropriate level.
  • Step 2 – Place second floor jack under right rear and lift to appropriate level.
  • Step 3 – Place the second jack stand under the right rear.

How do you jack up a Porsche 356?

Re: Using a Floor Jack on a 356-C You can then jack up the front by placing the jack under either of the front sway bar mountings. Optionally, you can jack the front by placing a 48″ 2 x 6 load spreader under the front end just aft of the V. Be sure and put a couple jack stands under the front also.

Why is Porsche 996 so cheap?

The 996 appears cheap because it was mass produced, whereas older Porsche 911s were not. The appearance is also not to everyone’s taste, and the perceived engine issues put many potential buyers off. The number one reason that the 996 has been so cheap for many years is down to the large numbers that were produced.

How much is a Porsche 996 worth?

Prices can range from $10,000 for a high-mileage base Carrera Cabrio in ratty shape to $120,000 for a GT3 in excellent low-mile condition. If, like most prospective 996 buyers, you’re looking for a cheap way into 911 ownership, consider an early Carrera or Carrera 4.