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Can algae eaters live with Cory catfish?

Can algae eaters live with Cory catfish?

Siamese Algae Eaters are a calm, peaceful fish who get along perfectly with Cory Catfish. They enjoy algae so much that they were named for it, and adding a few of these to your aquarium will go a long way toward combating any algae issues you might be experiencing.

What fish can I put with my algae eater?

Mollies, platys, and guppies are readily available within the aquarium trade. A lot of community tanks feature these fellows already because of their ability to rapidly reproduce. Fortunately, these fish are also helpful in taking care of hair algae.

Will my algae eater eat my fish?

Pleco does a great job of eating the algae in the tank, too. But two weeks later, he’s dead. If you’ve got a good store, they explain to you that you do actually need to feed your pleco, sell you another and a bag of algae wafers. If you’ve got a bad store, they just sell you another.

Will Cory catfish eat other fish?

Cory catfish suck up food with their mouths and will not bite other fish intentionally or by accident. They are social in nature and are happiest when kept with at least three members of the same species.

Do Cory catfish eat fish poop?

Although adding the right fish can definitely reduce the necessary maintenance, they will not eat fish poop. Even worse, they will produce more fish poop! Snails, shrimp, plecos, and corydoras are all part of the clean-up crew to a lot of people (myself included).

Do twig catfish eat plants?

In the wild, twig catfish eat algae and biofilm that they find on the surface of wood and plants. This accumulates everywhere, and these fish are master scavengers! In some instances they even eat the actual wood they’re nibbling on.

What fish cleans the bottom of the tank?

Plecos. The Pleco Catfish is a very popular bottom cleaner worldwide. This is a fish that grows up to 2 feet long during the span of 20 years. So, keep this in mind, if you plan to buy one into your tank.

Will catfish clean my pond?

Given the right conditions, catfish can grow very large and can certainly fill the role of “top predator” in a pond. Catfish are a great tasting sport fish that can be a great alternative predator for your pond, but they simply do not eat muck or “clean ponds”.

Do catfish eat plants or animals?

Catfish eat a wide range of plants and animals but primarily eat insects, water beetles, small fish, plants, algae, crawfish, snails, and just about anything else they can manage to fit in their mouths. Most catfish are not picky eaters and are scavengers, meaning they are happy to eat just about anything.

What do freshwater aquarium catfish eat?

Catfish for aquariums can be quite shy. These bottom dwellers need hiding places, soft substrate, and a few rocks that they can relax on. Much as aquarium catfish are known to be scavengers and can feed on algae in the fish tank, they also need a balanced diet like any other fish.

What plant does the catfish eat?

Catfish eat carrion, such as dead microbes, etc. The other food that they eat are mallard, mosquito larvae, clams, snails, bullfrogs, berries, leeches, algae, meadow vole, and aquatic plants. Young catfish are moderately small in size and easy to raise.

Do catfish live in fresh water?

Catfish are scavengers found in freshwater. These fish live at the bottom of water bodies and possess very strong sensory organs. This AnimalSake post tells you about what food do the catfish eat. Catfish stay mostly near the bed of any water body and feed at nighttime.