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Can I have the male and female turtle together when laying eggs?

Can I have the male and female turtle together when laying eggs?

Females Can Lay Eggs Without Males Like chickens, female turtles can lay eggs without a male turtle being around to fertilize them — although these infertile eggs won’t hatch.

Will a big turtle eat a little turtle?

Predation Problem The most serious problem that can arise from keeping hatchling turtles with adults is that the adults may eat the hatchlings. To limit this possibility, only house turtles over 3 or 4 inches in length with the adults — by this time, they are much less likely to be bothered by the adults.

Will a turtle eat another turtle?

Turtles have no compunction about eating another turtle. To them, food is food. If one has started to be aggressive toward another, it most likely, will continue. It is usually the meanest and or the biggest that will cause the problem.

Do red-eared sliders get lonely?

Most Red-Eared Sliders will not act lonely or behave different than usual unless they are coming down with an illness or even a small cold. When turtles like the Red-Eared Slider do interact it is usually aggressive and territorial. They tend to prefer their own space and even their privacy.

How old does a red eared slider have to be to lay eggs?

So back to your original question: There is no set age for laying eggs, but having males around will definitely speed things up. Usually you want to start looking for gravid behavior at around 2 years old and 5-6″. However, nature does what it wants, so sometimes it’s sooner, sometimes it’s later.

How do red eared sliders get pregnant?

Nests are dug with the turtle’s hind feet, usually within 200 meters of water. The nest is no deeper than 10 to 12 centimeters. The females will lay 2 to 30 oval, soft shelled eggs. The eggs are fertilized as they are being laid and buried in the sand.

Can I put 2 red eared sliders together?

Multiple Species As long as the enclosure is large enough, you can house a red-eared slider with other species who share the same housing requirements. But a red-eared slider may outcompete and outgrow the other species. If you want to house multiple species, it’s best to house them in a large outdoor environment.

How to tell if red eared slider turtle is male or female?

Another way you can use this method is the following: If you own or find a red eared slider turtle, you can measure it, if the shell is bigger than 10 inches (25 centimeters) then you can definitely say the it’s a female, if that is not the case then it’s a male.

What’s the difference between a male and female turtle?

There aren’t many differences, except for a couple small ones. A female turtle will lay eggs while a male turtle won’t. Even if there is no male is around, a female will still lay eggs, the only difference is that those eggs won’t be fertilized.

Can a yellow bellied slider turtle sleep underwater?

Yes, Yellow Bellied sliders can sleep underwater. actually prefer to sleep underwater. When they sleep their metabolic rate will go down, so they will be able to spend a lot more time underwater than they normally would. How much water should be in a yellow bellied slider turtle tank?

Why do male red ear sliders have longer claws than females?

Female turtles often have claws on their front feet that are short and stubby. Males (and specifically red-eared sliders and other aquatic turtles) have much longer claws on their front feet than females. This is because males utilize their claws when they are attempting to woo females to breed.