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Can I keep shrimp with Siamese algae eater?
The Nerite Snails are another algae eater breed, that go well together with Siamese. But be careful, so that they won’t overpopulate your tank. Amano Shrimp: this is a famous algae eater shrimp. Siamese Algae Eaters will live well together with some of these shrimps.
Are Siamese flying foxes aggressive?
This handsome fish is a good tankmate for barbs in a robust community tank but is too aggressive for the average peaceful plant aquarium.
What fish can live with Chinese algae eaters?
Small, speedy species will easily be able to escape a Chinese algae eater, but it will probably ignore them anyway. You could try mollies, tiger barbs, platies, clown loaches, dwarf gourami, swordtails, zebra danios, cherry barbs, emperor tetra, or White Cloud Mountain minnow.
Will Siamese algae eaters eat other fish?
Food & diet information Siamese algae eaters tend to be less picky about the available food and are omnivores. This means they will eat and scavenge dead insects, plant matter, and dead fish (among other things).
Can a flying fox and a Siamese algae eater live together?
If you give too much food to the Siamese Algae Eater or the Flying Fox, they can get so much into it that they won’t want to eat algae anymore. You need to balance it out and let them only eat algae from time to time. Siamese Algae Eaters can live together comfortably with many other species thanks to their peaceful temperament.
What kind of fish should I get for my Siamese algae eater?
Ideal companions for a Siamese algae eater are that of other community type fish. Your Gouramis, schools of Barbs, Tetras or Danios, Angel Fish, Guppies, swordtails, or cory cats will all do fine alongside your algae eater as tank mates. If you’d like you can check my list on the best community fish for more details.
What kind of fish is a false Siamese flying fox?
This aside, the frequency of this error has earned Garra taeniata the common name False Siamese Flying Fox. As might be expected from a family commonly known as the Stonelappers, this fish will eat some algae but exhibits a level of territorial aggression high enough to prove a nuisance in many aquaria.
What kind of fish can a flying fox eat?
Since they are similar species, sharks (labeo sp.), denisons barbs, silver sharks, and algae loaches are particular targets for squabbles. However, Flying foxes are good additions to lively communitys of medium sized fish such as barbs, rainbowfish, and cichlids.