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Can I use a lower amp fan?

Can I use a lower amp fan?

Champion. The replacement fan must have the same or better CFMs and of course the same profile. Other than that, yes you may use a fan which has a lower power draw. Please keep in mind that 0.18A is a low current draw; it may be hard to find anything much lower.

Do amps matter for fans?

the amperage gets important when adding multiple fans to 1 connector (by use of a y-splitter cable). The amperages added together should not exceed 1 unless you are sure your mobo allows this. so you could connect only 1 fan with an amperage of 0.70, but 3 if they all have an amperage of 0.33.

How many amps does a 12v fan use?

At 12 volt the fan will draw 2 amps of the 8 available from.

How many amps does a computer fan draw?

24 watts, thats 2 amps!

Do amps matter in DC?

Many people know it is important to match voltage of a power supply or charger to the product. The product will often say 5V DC. It is important that 5V DC is applied to the product. So if a product requires 2.1Amps then the power supply should be able to supply 2.1Amps or more.

Are higher amps better?

Amps basically measure how effectively the motor cools itself, not how much power it has. With this in mind, more amps can be good because motors will run longer and won’t heat up as fast. Remember heat is what kills a motor. Regarding cordless tools, the more amps the battery has, the longer the tool will run.

Can you increase amperage?

Because voltage equals the amperage multiplied by the resistance in a circuit, if the voltage remains constant and the resistance is dropped, the amperage across the circuit must increase. If the circuit’s resistance remains unchanged, the amperage in a circuit can be increased by increasing the voltage.

Is it better to have higher volts or higher amps?

A higher voltage system is more efficient than a lower voltage since it experiences less energy loss from resistance given the same amount of power draw. You get the same exact voltage—but with 80 amps of current. That’s 80% more energy!

What happens if my Charger has only 0.5 amps?

The problem, of course, is the reverse: if your device needs 1.0 amps, but your charger is rated at only 0.5 amps, then any of several problems could result: Charging may not work at all. The device may charge extremely slowly. The power supply may overheat.

Can a device be damaged by too many amps?

Can too many amps damage a device? As long as the correct voltage is used, a device will draw only the amperage it needs, meaning there will not be “too many amps”. If an incorrect voltage is used — say a higher voltage than the device is rated to accept — then yes, too many amps may be drawn and the device can be damaged.

Can you use an AC adapter with higher amps?

Can I use an AC adapter with higher amps? As long as the voltage matches that expected by the connected device, then yes, you can use an AC adapter capable of providing higher amps. Can I use a 5V 2A charger with a 5V 1A device?