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Did Catal huyuk have trade?

Did Catal huyuk have trade?

Çatal Hüyük was a trading city. It imported pigments, marble, semiprecious stones, timber, obsidian, from the Taurus mountains, Syria, and the Mediterranean coast. One export was its distinctive pottery, which has been found 160 km away. It also exported its skilled inhabitants.

How did the people of Catal huyuk make many of their products?

The people of Catal Huyuk wove baskets of reeds. They also made pottery and they used obsidian, hard volcanic rock to make tools and weapons. Craftsmen made dishes of wood. They also made carved wooden boxes for storage.

What animals did Catal huyuk domesticate?

At Çatalhöyük, zooarchaeology is important because the people living in the community were among the first to domesticate sheep, goats, pigs, and cattle. The people also hunted many animals for meat, including wild cattle, bison, wild horses, deer and elk, and several kinds of birds.

What types of tools did Catal huyuk use?

Ground stone tools found at Çatalhöyük include axe heads, mace heads, querns for grinding grain, ornaments such as pendants, and mirrors of obsidian.

What were 3 new farming techniques created by the Catal huyuk?

Catal’s Huyuk Farming Techniques

  • Slash and Burn. The world’s first farmers did not have the luxury of encountering open, fertile fields wherever they wished to plant their crops.
  • Wheat, Barley and Peas. The farmers of Catal Huyuk grew a small but diverse number of crops.
  • Planting.
  • Irrigation.
  • Harvest.

How did trade help people both outside and within Catal huyuk?

Traders brought into Catal Huyuk red paint used in temples and raw copper to be made into tools and jewelry. There is evidence that people traveled to and from Catal Huyuk. They brought with them their skills and traditions.

Where is Catal Huyuk Neolithic site in Turkey?

Catal Huyuk is the Turkish name for a Neolithic archaeological site in Turkey. Several significant artifacts from this site are displayed in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara, Turkey. These are artifacts from the research conducted by Professor James Mellaart between 1961 and 1965.

Where was Catal Huyuk wheat growing region located?

Located in the Konya Plain in central Turkey, Catal Huyuk was considered the wheat-growing region. The main mound covered 32 acres and stood 57 feet above the plain with a distance of 3,000 feet above sea level. The population was estimated at upwards of 5,000 people, which was based on the site and the cluster of

What did the people of catalhuyuk live in?

The inhabitants lived in rectangular mud-brick houses probably entered from roof level, presumably by a wooden ladder. In addition to a hearth and an oven, houses had platforms for sleeping, sitting, or working. Excavations at Çatalhüyük, Turkey.

What kind of settlement was Catalhoyuk in Turkey?

Fork ( çatal in Turkish) and mound ( höyük) combine to form Çatalhöyük. Today the site is regarded by UNESCO as the most significant human settlement documenting early settled agricultural life. (See also: Face of a 9,500-year-old man revealed for the first time .)