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Did the Iroquois farm or hunt?

Did the Iroquois farm or hunt?

The Iroquois ate a variety of foods. They grew crops such as corn, beans, and squash. They had a number of ways to prepare corn and the other vegetables they grew. The men hunted wild game including deer, rabbit, turkey, bear, and beaver.

What did the Iroquois use for weapons?

Weapons that the Iroquois used include tomahawks (a small axe that can be thrown), bows (with string made out of sinew) and arrows (stone), war clubs…

What kind of animals did the Iroquois Hunt?

They used bow and arrows to kill black bear, elk, deer, rabbit, and wolves. They trapped wild turkey, ducks and other birds. They hunted turtles for their food and shells. No part of the animal was wasted.

What did the Iroquois use to fight?

They made blowguns and darts out of wood and hollow reeds, which were used to hunt birds. They made spears with sharp ends. Iroquois Battle Techniques: Iroquois warriors taught the European settlers valuable lessons in how to use geography to win a battle.

What is the game snow snake?

Snow Snake is a traditional Haudenosaunee game played during the winter. Historically, the games were played when the men of the villages returned from their annual hunting trip. The object of the game is to throw the snow snake the farthest distance along a smooth trough made in the snow. Teams alternate tosses.

What did the Iroquois do for a living?

The Iroquois were farming people. Iroquois women did most of the farming, planting crops of corn, beans, and squash and harvesting wild berries and herbs. Iroquois men did most of the hunting, shooting deer and elk and fishing in the rivers.

What food did the Iroquois eat?

People who lived in the Iroquois nation in the northeast part of North America ate mainly corn and beans and squash that they farmed. They made the corn into flat bread like tacos or tortillas.

How the Iroquois hunted?

The Iroquois: How they hunted By Joon Cho and Rohan Krishnan The Iroquois were very smart when it came to traps. The Iroquois made all sorts of traps; one of them was a small snare trap. To make this ingenious trap, they first find a tree, then bend it over and tie it on its roots making a loop.