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Do baby groundhogs stay with their mother?

Do baby groundhogs stay with their mother?

Groundhog Behavior Most activity occurs during the early morning and early evening hours, at which groundhogs emerge from their burrows to gather food. Mothers give birth to 2-4 kits, and these baby woodchucks remain with the mother for 2 months before becoming independent.

How long do woodchuck babies stay with their mother?

As they mature, groundhogs will begin exploring their dens, digging and spending small amounts of time aboveground, as well as eating solid vegetation that the mother brings into the nest. The young groundhogs will stay with their mothers until they are completely weaned — approximately 44 days after they’re born.

Do Woodchucks move their babies?

Woodchucks are good mothers and may at times be seen moving babies, but they will not retrieve lost babies.

What month do groundhogs have babies?

The breeding season extends from early March to mid- or late April, after hibernation. Woodchucks are polygynous but only alpine and woodchuck marmot females have been shown to mate with multiple males. A mated pair remains in the same den throughout the 31- to 32-day gestation period.

Do groundhogs leave their babies?

Born blind and naked, baby groundhogs remain in the den for the first four weeks. They are weaned when they are about 6 weeks old. They leave their mother’s den when they are 3 months old and are fully grown by the time they are 2 years old.

What do newborn Woodchucks look like when they are born?

Newborn baby woodchucks are pink, completely hairless, and only about the size of a matchbox car. Their ears are folded closed and their eyes don’t even have lids to open yet. The only senses that are working in a newborn groundhog are touch and smell. The babies are very sensitive to temperature,…

How long does it take for Woodchucks to give birth?

Males and females breed in March or April, after which they have no further contact; the female raises the young alone. Woodchucks give birth from early April to mid-May following a 32-day gestation period. One litter contains four to six kits. The young open their eyes at four weeks and are weaned at six weeks,…

When does a woodchuck have its first litter?

Males and females breed in March or April, after which they have no further contact; the female raises the young alone. Woodchucks give birth from early April to mid-May following a 32-day gestation period. One litter contains four to six kits.

What should I Feed my new baby woodchuck?

Feed the baby woodchuck esbilac powder, mix only enough for 24hrs and keep it refrigerated. Esbilac is a puppy milk replacer, which you should be able to purchase at a vet or pet store.