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Do cells make and use organic molecules?

Do cells make and use organic molecules?

Some cells are organisms unto themselves; others are part of multicellular organisms. All cells are made from the same major classes of organic molecules: nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids.

Which statements are true of the cell theory?

The unified cell theory states that: all living things are composed of one or more cells; the cell is the basic unit of life; and new cells arise from existing cells.

Are cells made of atoms and molecules?

Cells are made of proteins, which are a type of molecule, and water, which is another molecule, and other things which are all made of molecules. Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and other elements. So we know that the molecules that make up the cells of the body are made of atoms.

What does a cell need to survive?

To survive, every cell must have a constant supply of vital substances such as sugar, minerals, and oxygen, and dispose of waste products, all carried back and forth by the blood cells. Without these substances, cells would die in a very short period of time. But all cells will eventually die.

How do cells make the molecules they need?

Cells also make and alter many small organic molecules by a series of different chemical reactions. Their synthesis entails linking together a specific set of small molecules (monomers) to form polymers through repetition of a single type of chemical-linkage reaction.

What kind of molecules can a Cell survive without?

Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids are organic molecules. III. Cells could NOT survive without organic molecules and chemical reactions. What type of cell would bacteria be?

What happens when two molecules react in a cell?

When two molecules react with each other inside a cell, their atoms are rearranged, forming different molecules as reaction products and releasing or consuming energy in the process. Overall, chemical reactions occur only in one direction; that is, the final reaction product molecules cannot spontaneously react,…

Can a chemical reaction take place without water?

True or False most chemical reactions within cells could not take place without water organic contains carbon inorganic dont contain carbon carbohydrates energy-rich organic compound made of the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen lipids energy-rich organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, ogygen

What happens to free energy in a chemical reaction?

When work is performed, some free energy is used and lost, with the result that the process ends at lower free energy.