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Do goldfish exist in the wild?

Do goldfish exist in the wild?

In the wild, goldfish can be found in slow-moving, freshwater bodies of water. As with their close relative the carp, they thrive in slightly murky water. In captivity, an aquarium with live plants and a dirt bottom is ideal.

Is goldfish man made?

Based on these definitions, the first truly domesticated fish species was certainly the goldfish, for which the domestication was initiated by the chinese about 1500-2000 years ago (Fosså, 2004) .

Is a goldfish actually gold?

Not always gold Goldfish weren’t always, well, gold. Prussian carp, from which goldfish were domesticated, are traditionally a dull, gray-green hue. But mutations and breeding over the years created goldfish’ signature orange, red, and yellow pigments found in the over a hundred varieties of the fish today.

Is a goldfish alive?

Goldfish will eventually die, of course, like all living things. But despite their delicate, fits-in-a-sandwich-bag body, they don’t have to do so prematurely; a common goldfish can live up to 30 years and reach two feet in length. Children frequently get a fish as a starter pet and inadvertently kill it.

Can a goldfish bite?

But there’s no need to worry. Goldfish teeth aren’t sharp and they can’t bite people. They’re actually very flat – a bit like human molars – and are used to crush and grind food.

Can u get a fish drunk?

Yes. Very small ones can easily be drunk by mistake or even on purpose. This might happen when drinking water from a running stream for example. If the question means can fish get drunk from alcohol, then it is very likely that some alcoholic content in their water would affect them.

Is it OK to eat a gold fish?

Goldfish are as edible as any other freshwater fish. That gross flake and/or pellet stuff is what your fish has been eating exclusively. Pop a pellet or two, that’s what your fish will most likely taste like. Goldfish, like any fish born and raised in captivity, really should be cooked before eating.

How many types of goldfish are there in the world?

33 Different Types of Goldfish Breeds 1 The Common Goldfish. Carassius Auratus Asian in origin, the common goldfish is a member of the Cyprindae fish family. 2 Comet. 3 Shubunkin. 4 Wakin. 5 Japanese Ryukin. 6 Fancy Fantail. 7 Veiltail. 8 Globe Eye or Telescope. 9 Broadtail Moor. 10 Oranda.

What kind of water does a common goldfish live in?

The common goldfish is a great fish for beginners since it’s a very hardy breed of goldfish. It can live in water with temperatures ranging from 55-80*F (12-26*C), with a pH of 6-8, which is much like tap water.

Which is better a banana or a goldfish?

Like most crackers, Goldfish are also quite light and airy. A cup of sliced banana weighs nearly five times as much as a serving of Goldfish, yet contains 35 fewer calories and two more grams of fiber. When it comes to satiety, the weight of your food matters. Research has found that the average person eats between 3 and 5 pounds of food per day.