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Do I still pay child maintenance if my child starts an apprenticeship?

Do I still pay child maintenance if my child starts an apprenticeship?

Legally, you are no longer compelled to pay child maintenance once your kid completes full-time education. Apprenticeships are not the same as full-time studies, such as A levels.

Does child benefit end when child maintenance ends?

If child maintenance has been paid under a Child Maintenance Service Agreement, then the law states that maintenance will be paid until: The child is 20 years old if they continue in full-time education to the end of A- levels. This implies that child maintenance ends once the child finishes their A-level.

Do I get child benefit if my child is on an apprenticeship?

Under the existing system, families lose child benefit for children who take up apprenticeships, on the grounds that they are in paid employment. In contrast, the families of A-level students continue to receive benefit payments if they qualify, even when the child is earning in their own time.

Do you have to pay child support if you have no income?

If you don’t have a source of income and cannot afford child support, you will still be required to make a monthly child support payment. If a parent does not have a source of income, the court may calculate income based on prior work history and/or the parent’s potential earning capacity.

When is the last month you can pay child support?

In most states, the age of majority is 18, which would mean that the month your child turns 18 is the final month you owe child support. There are a few common exceptions that require you to continue paying child support despite your child reaching the age of majority, though.

Do you pay child support if you are a custodial parent?

Child support is a topic which tends to polarize all parties involved. Although in some situations, mothers pay child support to custodial fathers, in the vast majority of cases, mothers are the custodial parents and non-custodial fathers pay child support.

Who is responsible for child support after a divorce?

Both parents have the responsibility to support their children financially. When a divorce occurs and one parent has physical custody of the children, that parent’s responsibility is fulfilled by being the custodial parent. The other parent then makes a child support payment to fulfill their non-custodial parent financial responsibilities.