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Do incubation periods vary?

Do incubation periods vary?

Estimates of the COVID-19 incubation period differ widely across the world; some suggest that it can be as short as 3–4 days [3] or as long as 6–7 days [2].

What determines the incubation period?

The incubation period is the number of days between when you’re infected with something and when you might see symptoms. Health care professionals and government officials use this number to decide how long people need to stay away from others during an outbreak. It’s different for every condition.

Which bird has highest incubation period?

In these latter, the incubation is interrupted; the longest uninterrupted period is 64 to 67 days in the emperor penguin. In general smaller birds tend to hatch faster, but there are exceptions, and cavity nesting birds tend to have longer incubation periods.

Why do viruses have different incubation periods?

And why do these vary from virus to virus and person to person? Viral incubation periods are affected by the rate at which a virus replicates once it has infected someone, the host’s susceptibility and their immune response to the virus, the viral dose that infected the host and the infection route.

What is the longest incubation period for COVID-19?

The incubation period has been found to be as long as 24 days (range: 0-24 days; median: 3.0 days) in a study published on February 9. The WHO said in a press conference on February 10 that: a very long incubation period could reflect a double exposure.

Can you get Covid twice?

Why people are getting COVID-19 again The CDC says cases of COVID-19 reinfection remain rare but possible. And with statistics and recommendations changing so quickly and so frequently, that “rare” status could always change, as well.

What is the difference between latent and incubation period?

The period between exposure and infection is called ‘latent period’, since the pathogen is present in a ‘latent’ stage, without clinical symptoms or signes of infection in the host. The period between exposure and onset of clinical symptoms is called ‘incubation period’.

What bird has the shortest incubation?

Zosterops, the White-eye or Silver-eye, has attained world-wide fame for the shortest period of any bird-9 to 10 days. This rumor started in a careless observation in New Zealand in the 1880’s. In eleven or more nests that have been carefully watched from 1870 to 1943 the incubation period lasted 11 to 12 days.

What is the difference between incubation and hatching?

As nouns the difference between incubation and hatching is that incubation is sitting on eggs for the purpose of hatching young; a brooding on, or keeping warm, to develop the life within, by any process while hatching is a method of shading areas of a drawing or diagram with fine parallel lines.

What are three reasons that the incubation period for an infectious disease may vary?

The specific incubation period for a disease process is the result of multiple factors, including:

  • Dose or inoculum of an infectious agent.
  • Route of inoculation.
  • Rate of replication of infectious agent.
  • Host susceptibility.
  • Immune response.

Does a longer incubation period means less severe Covid?

Compared with patients who had a longer incubation period (>7 days), those with a shorter incubation period (≤7 days) were significantly more likely to have severe disease at diagnosis (p < 0.01), a longer duration of hospitalization (p < 0.01), and a longer time from symptom onset to discharge (p < 0.01).

How long is Covid immunity?

One study, published in the journal Immunity, of 5882 people who had recovered from covid-19 infection, found that antibodies were still present in their blood five to seven months after illness.