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Do plants show intelligence?

Do plants show intelligence?

The Intelligent Plant. That is the title of a recent article in The New Yorker — and new research is showing that plants have astounding abilities to sense and react to the world. Some plant scientists insist they are — since they can sense, learn, remember and even react in ways that would be familiar to humans.

Can plants sense human emotions?

While no one claims that plants “feel” emotions, as humans do, plants do show signs of “sensing” their surroundings. The term may sound provocative, because plants don’t have brains – or even neurons, for that matter – and it could just be it’s intended that way.

Do plants like being talked to?

“But some research shows that speaking nicely to plants will support their growth, whereas yelling at them won’t. Rather than the meaning of words, however, this may have more to do with vibrations and volume. Plants react favourably to low levels of vibrations, around 115-250hz being ideal.”

Can plants miss you?

Because plants have a very rudimentary nervous system, they can’t pick up on any visual, social or emotional cues the same way beings with more complex nervous system can. So as far as we know, plants can’t feel your emotions, miss you or even recongnize you compared to any other person.

Can plants see us?

Don’t look now, but that tree may be watching you. Several lines of recent research suggest that plants are capable of vision—and may even possess something akin to an eye, albeit a very simple one. The idea that plants may have “eyes” is, in a way, nothing new.

How are plants smart?

Pollan says plants have all the same senses as humans, and then some. In addition to hearing, taste, for example, they can sense gravity, the presence of water, or even feel that an obstruction is in the way of its roots, before coming into contact with it. Plant roots will shift direction, he says, to avoid obstacles.