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Do sea otters have any competition?

Do sea otters have any competition?

Humans and sea otters enjoy consuming the same bottom-dwelling seafood: Dungeness crabs, clams, sea cucumbers and urchins. Competition between dive fishermen and sea otters for those resources has intensified as the otter population grows. And more otters mean an expansion of their range.

Do sea otters have enemies?

What are the natural predators of sea otters? Great white sharks are the primary predator in California. Other reported predators that feed on sea otters include stellar sea lions, coyotes, bears and eagles.

How do otters interact with each other?

River otters communicate with whistles, yelps, growls, and screams, as well as touch and body posture. They also scent mark using scent glands near the base of their tails that produce a strong, musky odor.

Do sea otters have symbiotic relationships?

A sea otter’s relationship The Sea Otter and Sea Kelp are in a mutualistic symbiotic relationship. The relationship could happen if there was a overpopulation of sea urchins.

How many sea otters are left in 2021?

How many otters are left in the world 2021? Current Population Today, there are estimated to be just over 106,000 worldwide. Currently there are less than 3,000 Sea Otters in California. Washington, Canada and Alaska have about between 65,000 and 78,000 combined.

How are otters predators?

Predators. Healthy adult otters have few predators. Very old otters and pups may fall prey to a number of land predators, including wolves, birds of prey, and large reptiles. Surprisingly, one possible threat to the Alaskan sea otter population is predation by killer whales.

What interacts with sea otters?

The kelp forest also provides shelter for many different animals that the sea otter often interacts with on a daily basis such as: seals, fish, and shellfish. Sea Otters have very few predators, which are known. Three of them are the bald eagle, white shark, and the killer whale.

What is the relationship between sea otters and sea urchins?

Sea otters are the main predator of sea urchins and keep the urchin population in check. Sea urchins greedily graze on kelp when otters are not around, but in the presence of the predators, urchins hide in crevices and eat just the plant scraps.

What relationship exists between the sea otters and sea urchins?

The sea otter and kelp also have a mutualistic relationship. The sea otter eats sea urchins which if there is a large population makes the kelp endangered. Once the kelp dies it floats up and provides the sea otter with a source of food. Since both organisms are benefitting this is an example of mutualism.

What type of relationship do sea otters and sea urchins have?

This type of relationship between a predator (sea otter), herbivore (urchin), and plant (kelp) is known as a trophic cascade.

What’s the difference between a river otter and a sea otter?

The U.S. is home to two species: the sea otter and the North American river otter. River otters are much smaller — averaging 10-30 pounds — with a cylindrical body and small head. Sea otters weigh more — around 45-90 pounds — with large, furry faces.

How are sea otters important to the environment?

As predators, sea otters are critical to maintaining the balance of the near-shore kelp ecosystems. Without sea otters, sea urchins would devour the kelp forests off the coast that provide cover and food for many other marine animals. As such, sea otters also indirectly help to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide,…

Is the sea otter considered a keystone species?

In fact, the sea otter is recognized as a keystone species in the rocky sub tidal habitats (Costa, 2011). This means that the sea otter has a greater impact on its community than would be assumed based on its population.

What kind of fur does a sea otter have?

Sea otters have the thickest fur of any animal. Their fur contains between 600,000 to 1,000,000 hair follicles per square inch. Unlike most other marine mammals, otters lack a blubber layer.