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Do the times make the man or does the man make the times in your opinion was Napoleon the creator or creation of his time?

Do the times make the man or does the man make the times in your opinion was Napoleon the creator or creation of his time?

In your opinion, was Napoleon the creator or the creation of his times? Napoleon was the creator of his times because he enhanced France a lot and expanded on/ created so many new ideas and actions that made France, and the modern world better. Napoleon had to deal with forces both outside and inside the French Empire.

Why was Napoleon the hero of the hour?

Why did Napoleon become the Hero of the Hour? First, he defended the delegates against royalist rebels. Then, he lead the French army against Austria and the Kingdom of Austria and won a series of remarkable victories. Napoleon managed to keep stories about his setbacks out of the newspapers.

Do you think Napoleon was a hero or tyrant?

To some degree, Napoleon was a hero for providing stability and positive reforms to a country ravaged by a decade of revolution. 2. But Napoleon can also be considered a villain, as he ruled with absolute power and denied his people several rights, including freedom of speech.

How long did it take the Grand Army to cover the distance?

How long did it take the Grand Army to cover the distance between the Russian border and Moscow? It took them three months to get to Moscow.

What were Napoleon’s achievements?

Napoleon instituted reforms in post-revolutionary France, starting with a complete overhaul of military training. He also centralized the government, reorganized the banking and educational systems, supported the arts, and improved relations between France and the pope.

How did the Napoleon become a hero in France?

Napoleon became a hero to france because when the rebels went National Convention, an official of the national assembly told Napoleon to defend the delegates and then Napoleon told the gunners to have a lot of royalists with a cannonade and he also pushed the British out of Toulon.

Is the bourgeoisie satisfied with Napoleon’s actions?

If you had been a member of the bourgeoisie, would you have been satisfied with the results of Napoleon’s actions? No, because even though he did things that were beneficial to France, he made three very stupid mistakes that cost him everything and he eventually was exiled away and left to die.

How was Napoleon able to control the countries neighboring the French Empire?

His Napoleonic Code. How was Napoleon able to control the countries neighboring the French Empire? He fought them and in a series of brilliant battles, he crushed the opponent and forced the other countries to sign peace treaties. In your opinion, was Napoleon the creator or the creation of his times.

How did Napoleon become a hero in France?

How did Napoleon become a hero in France The National Convention told a young Napoleon to defend the delegates. Napoleon greeted thousands of royalists with a cannonade and within minutes, attackers fled the field in panic and confusion. He was known as the hero of the hour.