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Does BC go from high to low?

Does BC go from high to low?

The values for BC can be as low as 0.12 and as high as 1.00 for commonly used bullets.

Do BC numbers go up or down?

As most people are aware, the Gregorian calendar is based on the supposed birth date of Jesus Christ. Subsequent years count up from this event and are accompanied by either AD or CE, while preceding years count down from it and are accompanied by either BC or BCE.

Do the years BC go in ascending order?

Yes, year numbers get bigger the farther you go Before Christ. Before 1 B.C., was 2 B.C. Before that was 3 B.C. And so on. There are an INFINITE number of years “in the BC era”, as you can count back as many years as you want. A thousand B.C. A million B.C. A billion B.C. As far as you want.

What does BC count down to?

B.C. (or BC) – meaning “Before Christ”. Used for years before AD 1, counting backwards so the year n BC is n years before AD 1. Thus there is no year 0.

Do years go down in BC?

In the modern calendar, we label all years with B.C. (before Christ) or A.D. (anno domini, or “in the year of our lord”). There is no “zero” year — in this system, the year Christ was born is 1 A.D., and the year preceding it is 1 B.C. Besides B.C. and A.D., many people use B.C.E. …

Why do the years in BC go backwards?

BC years go backwards for the same reason negative Celsius temperatures go backwards. -50° C is farther from the transition from frozen water to liquid water than -20° C is. So as you approach the transition you count: -4° C, -3° C, -2° C, -1° C, 0° C, 1° C, and so on. Why do the years in BC go backward?

What does BC stand for in Roman times?

“BC” refers to “Before Christ,” meaning before the putative birth year of the prophet/philosopher Jesus Christ, or at least before the date once thought to be that of Christ’s birth (the year AD 1). The first surviving use of the BC/AD convention was by the Carthaginian bishop Victor of Tunnuna (died AD 570).

When did people refer to BC years as AD years?

Please understand that people living in what we refer to BC years, did not themselves, EVER refer to the years as BC. Even people living at the time of Christ NEVER referred to those years as AD. This particular naming/numbering concept did not occur until approximately AD 500.

What’s the difference between a BC round nose and a high silvertip?

Those are a lot of numbers to study, but do so and you’ll realize that at 300 yards the higher BC Ballistic Silvertip retains more than twice the energy of the low BC round nose, drops 4 inches less and drifts 12.5 inches less! Those are huge, game missing distances. And all because of the bullet’s shape.