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Does germanium have metal in it?

Does germanium have metal in it?

Most elements are either metals or nonmetals. Germanium falls in the same group as carbon and silicon, but also as tin and lead. Germanium itself is classified as a metalloid.

How is germanium created?

Today, germanium is primarily obtained from the smelting of zinc ores and from the byproducts of burning certain types of coal. From the Latin word Germania, Germany. Mendeleev predicted the existence of Germanium in 1871 as ekasilicon, and the element was discovered by Winkler in 1886.

What are three chemical properties of germanium?

Chemical properties of germanium – Health effects of Germanium – Environmental effects of germanium

Atomic number 32
Electronegativity according to Pauling 1.8
Density 5.3 at 20°C
Melting point 937 °C
Boiling point 2830 °C

Is germanium toxic to humans?

Germanium is not an essential element. Its acute toxicity is low. However, at least 31 reported human cases linked prolonged intake of germanium products with renal failure and even death. Signs of kidney dysfunction, kidney tubular degeneration, and germanium accumulation were observed.

What gas is germanium found in?

Germanium in zinc ores is heated in the presence of chlorine gas. Germanium chloride (GeCl 4 ) is formed: Pure germanium metal is then produced by passing an electric current through molten (melted) germanium chloride: This method produces very pure germanium.

What can germanium be found in?


What substances does germanium react with?

Germanium react with O2, forming germanium dioxide, GeO2. At room temperature, the germanium surface is passivated by the GeO2 layer. When heated to red heat, germanium reacts with oxygen in the air, forming germanium dioxide.

What foods is germanium found in?

Germanium is a naturally occurring element. Trace amounts can be found in foods such as shiitake mushrooms, garlic, tuna, and tomato juice. However, it is not an essential nutrient for human health.