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Does hibiscus show parallel Venation?

Does hibiscus show parallel Venation?

Examples of plants, which exhibit reticulate venation, include rose, tulsi, hibiscus, papaya, ficus. – The Leaves of monocot plants show parallel venation and the leaves of dicot plants show reticulate venation.

Which kind of Venation can be found in hibiscus and banana plant?

Instances of plants indicating reticulate venation incorporate rose, tulsi, hibiscus, papaya, ficus. Parallel venation includes the veins running corresponding to each other. Instances of plants indicating parallel venation incorporate grains, banana, canna, grass, musa, Zea (maize).

Is hibiscus a fibrous root?

Hibiscus Roots Hibiscus plants have combination of a few short, stabilizing taproots and a mass of shallow fibrous roots.

Is Hibiscus Monoecious or dioecious?

Hibiscus is monoecious. Both male and female parts are present on the same flower, i.e. bisexual.

What type of leaf is Hibiscus leaf?

Description. The leaves are alternate, ovate to lanceolate, often with a toothed or lobed margin (dentate). The flowers are large, conspicuous, trumpet-shaped, with five or more petals, colour from white to pink, red, blue, orange, peach, yellow or purple, and from 4–18 cm broad.

Is hibiscus a stem?

The stem is aerial, erect, green, cylindrical and branched. The leaf is simple, with alternate phyllotaxy and is petiolate. The leaf shape is ovate, the tip is acute and margin is serrated. Venation is unicostate reticulate.

What venation does Maple leaf have?

Palmate Venation
Palmate Venation: The veins radiate in a fan shape from the leaf petiole. Examples include maple and sweetgum leaves.

What is the venation of the hibiscus leaf?

What is the venation of hibiscus? Hibiscus has a Reticulate Venation. Cause he veins do not run parallel to each other if this happens a leaf then it is said to have a parallel venation. Q: What is the venation of hibiscus?

What kind of leaves does Hibiscus rosa sinensis have?

The leaf is simple, with alternate phyllotaxy and is petiolate. The leaf shape is ovate, the tip is acute and margin is serrated. Venation is unicostate reticulate. (Venation is branched or divergent.) Free lateral stipules are present. Taxonomy. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was first described in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in Species Plantarum.

How many stamens does a hibiscus flower have?

Overall, the hibiscus is a dicot, with solitary (axillary), complete, perfect flowers, which have a superior ovary, regular symmetry, and axile placentation. They have five carpels, five locules, five sepals, and the number of stamens may vary. The root is a branched tap root. The stem is aerial, erect, green, cylindrical and branched.

When did Carl Linnaeus name the plant Hibiscus?

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis was named in 1753 by Carl Linnaeus in his Species Plantarum.