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Does IHR mean they?

Does IHR mean they?

Personal pronouns in the nominative (the subject of the sentence) are ich (I), du (You singular informal), er(he), sie (she), es (it), wir (we), ihr (you plural informal), sie (they), Sie (you, formal).

Does Sie mean she or they in German?

Remember that the formal Sie (you) always has a capital letter. It sets it apart from sie with a lower case letter, which can mean either ‘she’ or ‘they’….Personal pronouns.

German English
Sie you (singular or plural, formal)
sie they

Does Sie mean they in German?

Sie with a capital “S” means “you” in the plural, and sie, with a lowercase “s” means “she” singular and “they” plural. The German language has a formal and an informal way of addressing people. The formal address is used when speaking with adults, excluding family and friends, and is used in everyday life.

What is plural their in German?

your (informal plural) ihrer. their.

Is Ihnen formal?

Both can be translated as “you” but “dir” is used in informal situations and “Ihnen” is used in formal situations. You would use “dir” if you speak to a friend or a family member.

What is the difference between Dein and IHR in German?

‘Sie’ and ‘ihr’ the formal form of ‘you’ is used when you wish to be polite or show respect to an individual or a group. You might use it with strangers, the elderly, teachers or authority figures. ‘Dein’ and ‘deine’ is iformal ‘your’ in English. Hope it helps!

What is sie sie?

Sie and sie are personal pronouns that we use very often. They have different meanings depending on the context and wether the world is capitalized or not.

What is wer in German?

All those words have the same translation: wer, wen and wem all mean who, although wem should be translated into whom. You will use each one of those depending on their syntactic meaning and on whether they are introduced by a preposition whose nature is either accusative or dative.

How do you say mine yours in German?

The possessive pronouns you need are ‘mine’ which is mein in German and ‘yours’which is dein in German. The noun being referred to is ‘car’, which is neutral in German.

How do you say her possessive in German?

Some possessive pronouns have multiple uses — e.g. ‘ihr/Ihr’ can mean hers, theirs OR Yours [you, formal]’.