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Does Meursault help his case with his answer to the examining magistrate?

Does Meursault help his case with his answer to the examining magistrate?

Meursault rarely has much to say, so naturally he doesn’t say much. He is very logical and very honest as he answers the magistrate. The magistrate promises to help Meursault, partly because Meursault interests him, but he questions him, as did the lawyer, about Meursault’s relationship with his mother.

What does Meursault notice in the interrogation room?

Algiers. What does Meursault notice about his physical surroundings in the interrogation room? They are different than those of his normal life. They are abrasive.

What is the examining magistrate’s main question to Meursault?

That afternoon, Meursault is taken to meet with the examining magistrate. The magistrate asks Meursault whether he loved his mother, and Meursault replies that he loved her as much as anyone. The magistrate asks why Meursault paused between the first shot at the Arab and other four shots.

Why Meursault has difficulty responding to the magistrate in the way in which he is expected?

What difficulties does Meursault have in responding o the magistrate the way he is expected to? Why do the expectations annoy him? He doesn’t see the logic in the questioning. He finds it annoying because his mother death has nothing to do with the crime he commmitted.

How does Meursault react to the magistrate when the magistrate starts talking about God?

How does Meursault react to the magistrate when the magistrate starts talking about God? He feels hot, uncomfortable, and bothered by annoying flies.

What’s the big question the magistrate finally asks Meursault?

What’s the BIG question the magistrate finally asks Meursault? No, no conscience, he has no emotions. He does not want to be bothered with religion when he doesn’t care about it and he has limited time left on earth. In your opinion, does Meursault feel complemented when referred to as Monsieur Antichrist?

Why does Meursault compare his first interrogation with the examining magistrate to a game?

In Part 2, Chapter 1 of The Stranger, why does Meursault compare his first interrogation with the examining magistrate to a game? He assesses the examining magistrate to be reasonable and pleasant and has the urge to shake the magistrate’s hand before Meursault remembers that he is there because he killed a man.

How does the magistrate react to Meursault during their second meeting?

What is revealed about Meursault during his trial?

Reminding the jury that the next trial on the court’s schedule involves parricide (the murder of a close relative), the prosecutor alleges that Meursault’s lack of grief over his mother’s death threatens the moral basis of society. Meursault is found guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced to death by guillotine.

What does Meursault do in the opening chapter?

What does Meursault do in the opening chapter? Meursault asks his boss for two days’ leave from work to attend the funeral. His boss makes him feel guilty for asking. Meursault catches the two o’clock bus to Marengo, and sleeps for nearly the entire trip.

What does Meursault think about the magistrate?

How does Meursault react to the magistrate when the magistrate starts talking about God? He feels hot, uncomfortable, and bothered by annoying flies. How does Meursault feel sitting in the magistrate’s office? Meursault tells us: “Somehow it was an idea to which I never could get reconciled.”

How does Meursault react when he learns of his mother’s death?

Meursault immediately reveals himself to be indifferent toward emotion and interaction with others. Instead of grieving at the news of his mother’s death, he is cold, detached, and indifferent. When he receives the telegram, his primary concern is figuring out on which day his mother died.

What was the answer to Meursault’s question?

Meursault has so little comprehension of what is happening that he is surprised when an examining magistrate asks him if he has obtained a lawyer. Meursault’s answer is succinct and honest: no, of course not. To Meursault, it didn’t seem necessary to find a lawyer, consult with the lawyer, and pay this man a large fee for defending him.

What does the magistrate call Meursault in the stranger?

The magistrate states that his own life would be meaningless if he doubted the existence of God, and concludes that Meursault has an irrevocably hardened soul. During the course of the eleven-month investigation that ensues, the magistrate takes to calling Meursault “Monsieur Antichrist,” with an almost cordial air.

How does Meursault react to being in prison?

For the most part, Meursault reacts to his confinement in prison with characteristic indifference. Most important, his imprisonment does not incite any guilt or regret over what he has done. As at his mother’s funeral, Meursault focuses on the practical details of his life in prison rather than on its emotional elements.

Why did magistrate take Out crucifix in Stranger?

The magistrate gets passionate and takes out a crucifix, attesting to God’s willingness to forgive all crimes and asking Meursault whether he believes in God.