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Does standby hours count as working time?

Does standby hours count as working time?

A period of standby time must be regarded as working time in its entirety when the constraints imposed on the worker “objectively and very significantly” impact that worker’s ability to freely manage their time when their professional services are not directly required.

What does working on standby mean?

You are likely to be “working” while you are on standby if your employer can dictate where you must stay (for example, at the workplace, in your home, or inside a fixed geographical area) and can require you to respond so as to provide services immediately in case of need.

What is the difference between being on-call and being on standby?

This is also known as ‘standing’ or ‘standby’. This is where employees are not at work, but employers will pay them for being nonetheless ready to work. Whereas, being on-call can mean the employee is ready to work in a set period of time despite later notice.

Can an employee choose his rest day?

Employees are also entitled to know the schedule of their weekly rest days. Since rest day is a right of every employee, this does not however mean that the employer cannot demand from his employee to work on his rest day.

Do you get paid for being on standby?

Under California law, employers must pay employees their full hourly rate for all time that they are asked to be on standby to work, even if they do not actually need to work. If the employee is required to wait and be on-call for work at the physical place of employment, they are entitled to receive standby pay.

Does employer have to pay standby?

In Alberta, an employer is not required to pay an employee who is on standby waiting to be called to work unless he is spending that time at the workplace. There, lawyers working for the Department of Justice were informed that they would no longer be paid for time spent on standby duty.

Should you be paid to be on standby?

Check your employment contract, because it may contain better than minimum rights to pay when on standby. If your employer provides sleeping accommodation for you at or near your work, you must be paid for any time you spend working while using these facilities. You can still be working even if you are asleep.

Does my employer have to pay me to be on standby?

Should you be paid if you are on call?

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, on-call hours may or may not be considered hours worked. If on-call hours count as hours worked, you need to pay your employees for their on-call time. If on-call hours are not considered hours worked, you do not need to pay your employees while they wait.

What are the rules for being on call?

As with any nonexempt employee, federal law requires that on-call, nonexempt employees must still be compensated at or above the minimum wage and must be paid overtime for all hours worked in excess of 40 in any given workweek. Also, employers should make sure to check state laws on minimum wage and overtime.

What are normal working hours?

Usually, the normal hours of work (excluding overtime) are based on 40 hours a week. However, in certain cases as may be established by law, normal hours of work can be more, but not exceeding a maximum of an average of 48 hours a week spread over a reference period of 17 weeks.

Who choose employee rest days?

Who chooses the rest day? The employer shall determine the weekly restday. However, the employer shall respect the preference of employees as to their weekly restday when such preference is based on religious grounds.