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Has anyone lost weight on the blood type diet?

Has anyone lost weight on the blood type diet?

The blood type diet is not just a diet, its a lifestyle. I lost 50 pounds following the guidelines in this book less than a year. I have turned all my friends and family on to this book. My mother lost 7 pounds the first week as she changed her eating habits the weight just fell off with no hesitation.

Why does the blood type diet work?

The theory behind this diet is that blood type is closely tied to our ability to digest certain types of foods, so that the proper diet will improve digestion, help maintain ideal body weight, increase energy levels, and prevent disease, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

What are the benefits of blood type diets?

Like all fad diets , the blood type diet has positives and negatives. Here’s a closer look: Proponents claim that the blood type diet can help you burn fat more efficiently, increase your energy levels, stimulate your immune system, promote weight loss, and lower your risk of major health problems like heart disease and cancer.

Does your blood type affect your diet?

One study found that adults eating the type A diet showed improved health markers , but this occurred in everyone, not just those with type A blood type. In 2013, a major review concluded that no evidence exists to support benefits of blood type diets .

What foods to avoid on blood type diet?

According to the diet, people with type O blood should avoid pork, goose, catfish, milk and any dairy products except the occasional cheese serving, oats, avocado, juicy fruits such as blackberries or melons, orange juice, ketchup and coffee.

Should your blood type govern your diet?

Blood type diets may yield weight loss and other positive results because they’re highly restrictive. They also eliminate foods which are known to adversely affect health. However, there’s no scientific evidence linking a person’s blood type to their need to avoid, or eat, specific foods.